I’m trying create a Skuid page that interacts with a standard lightning component named Path. It’s an Opportunity page and I want the user to be able to update the stage. When either the Path or Skuid page is updated, I want the component which hasn’t been directly updated to update, so that both components are in sync.
From reading this link https://community.skuid.com/t/lightning-skuid-page-edit-but-parent-doesnt-update I was under the impression I should be able to add an action named “Publish Event” to my Save button, with the event name force:refreshView essentially triggering the sync of both my components on the page, without having to do a whole page refresh, which would slow the page down massively. When Iook at the options in the “Event Name” drop down, I do not see “force:refreshView”. Instead I see the options below.
Can someone help me on this please?