My requirement is to sort the records of a table on the SKUID page in descending order, based on a UI only field(Age field, as shown in the screenshot):
I have tried adding the UI only field ID in the “Fields to order records by” on the Model level, which throws an error:
The error:
I have also tried adding an Event for sorting the model, when the Skuid page is rendered, as shown in the screenshots:
This works when the page is rendered, but in my case the page is loaded twice to activate the “SLS I” and “SLS II” buttons on the page, as shown. Due to this, the records are unsorted again when the page finally loads.
Screenshot 1: When “M0Stip” tab is clicked on the Skuid Page, it returns the table with records sorted based on Age field (the actual requirement):
!( 54 inline.png “Image:\_images/1810665/RackMultipart20191016-5360-1rv5708-Screenshot\_\_54\_\_inline.png?1571217041”)
**Screenshot 2: ** The Skuid page is reloaded automatically to activate the “SLS I” and “SLS II” buttons, which is an existing functionality, which results in records being unsorted again:
!( 55 inline.png “Image:\_images/1810666/RackMultipart20191016-5382-rb59m1-Screenshot\_\_55\_\_inline.png?1571217139”)
My requirement is to let the records be sorted based on Age in descending order, whenever the “M0Stip” tab is clicked on the page.
Any help with the same?
Sejal Bhatt.