I’ve spent a bit of time today trying out different deployment scenarios for a new Skuid implementation, and I want to use the the Lightning framework as much as possible. Are there any tips that people have for deploying pages to Lightning users?
This is what I’ve tried so far for a RECORD DETAIL page (only the first option has successfully worked and I haven’t tried a tab page yet):
1. ** Embed the skuid page in a lightning component**, and then deploy that component via the Lightning Page Builder (still in pilot mode).
This requires a Lightning component with the following syntax:
This was the only way I could get the standard skuid model condition “Id = (param) id” to recognise the id parameter contained in the page, as the standard lightning url doesn’t contain an id parameter.
This method works pretty well, but the page load is kinda slow (5-10 seconds)
2. Tried deploying the a skuid page directly from the Lightning Page builder , whereby the app builder allows you to specify parameters that should be passed to the page. This gave me lots of errors similar to those in the post here. (I ignored most of these and was still able to achieve a few things). The only way I could get this method to work was by hard-coding the record id into the skuid page. This is fine for testing but I couldn’t get it to dynamically recognise the parameters contained in the page.
3. Another method might be to deploy the Skuid page inside a Visualforce page, and then deploy that page using the visualforce lightning component.
So…the real question here is - whats the best way to go about deploying Skuid pages to Lightning users?
**And…are there potentially going to be huge changes coming with the next Salesforce release that will significantly impact anything deployed in Lightning currently? **