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How to change color of a tab set (button link) and the size of it?


The button link that appear in a sub tab set: how can I (declaratively preferred);

1) Change the color of the sub tab button link

2) Change the size?

If it can't be done declaratively, can someone provide the code?

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8 replies


This page uses standard metadata. Just create a new page, call it PatBoyTestPage, and use the XML. Check out the Notes & Attachments tab set. Is this what you are trying to accomplish?

<skuidpage unsavedchangeswarning="yes" showsidebar="true" showheader="true" tabtooverride="Account">   <models>
      <model id="AccountWithOpportunities" limit="100" query="true" createrowifnonefound="false" sobject="Account">
            <field id="Name"/>
            <field id="AccountNumber"/>
            <field id="Industry"/>
            <field id="Id"/>
            <field id="ParentId"/>
            <field id="Parent.Name"/>
            <field id="Type"/>
            <field id="Sic"/>
            <field id="Description"/>
            <field id="TickerSymbol"/>
            <field id="Site"/>
            <field id="AnnualRevenue"/>
            <field id="Ownership"/>
            <field id="NumberOfEmployees"/>
            <field id="BillingState"/>
            <field id="Fax"/>
            <field id="Website"/>
            <field id="Phone"/>
            <field id="BillingAddress"/>
            <field id="ShippingAddress"/>
            <field id="Rating"/>
            <field id="OwnerId"/>
            <field id="Owner.Name"/>
            <field id="CreatedDate"/>
            <condition type="join" value="" field="Id" operator="in" enclosevalueinquotes="true" joinobject="Opportunity" joinfield="AccountId"/>
      <model id="Opportunities" limit="" query="false" createrowifnonefound="false" sobject="Opportunity" doclone="" type="">
            <field id="Name"/>
            <field id="StageName"/>
            <field id="IsWon"/>
            <field id="CloseDate"/>
            <field id="IsClosed"/>
            <condition type="fieldvalue" value="" enclosevalueinquotes="true" field="AccountId" state="filterableoff" inactive="true" name="AccountId"/>
      <model id="Notes" limit="20" query="true" createrowifnonefound="false" sobject="Note">
            <field id="Body"/>
            <field id="Title"/>
            <field id="LastModifiedById"/>
            <field id="LastModifiedBy.Name"/>
            <field id="LastModifiedDate"/>
            <field id="CreatedById"/>
            <field id="CreatedBy.Name"/>
            <field id="OwnerId"/>
            <field id="Owner.Name"/>
            <field id="ParentId"/>
            <field id="Parent.Name"/>
            <condition type="modelmerge" value="" field="ParentId" operator="=" model="AccountWithOpportunities" enclosevalueinquotes="true" mergefield="Id" novaluebehavior="deactivate"/>
      <model id="Attachments" limit="20" query="true" createrowifnonefound="false" sobject="Attachment">
            <field id="CreatedById"/>
            <field id="CreatedBy.Name"/>
            <field id="CreatedDate"/>
            <field id="Id"/>
            <field id="LastModifiedById"/>
            <field id="LastModifiedBy.Name"/>
            <field id="LastModifiedDate"/>
            <field id="ParentId"/>
            <field id="Parent.Name"/>
            <field id="Name"/>
            <field id="ContentType"/>
            <field id="BodyLength"/>
            <field id="Description"/>
            <condition type="modelmerge" value="" field="ParentId" operator="=" model="AccountWithOpportunities" enclosevalueinquotes="true" mergefield="Id" novaluebehavior="deactivate"/>
      <pagetitle model="AccountWithOpportunities">
         <subtitle>Having Opportunities</subtitle>
            <action type="savecancel">
      <skootable showconditions="true" showsavecancel="false" searchmethod="server" searchbox="true" showexportbuttons="false" pagesize="10" createrecords="true" model="AccountWithOpportunities" mode="read">
            <field id="Name" allowordering="true"/>
            <field id="AccountNumber" valuehalign="" type=""/>
            <field id="Industry" valuehalign="" type=""/>
            <action type="edit"/>
            <action type="delete"/>
            <action type="drawer" label="View Details" icon="fa-chevron-right" openicon="fa-chevron-down">
               <drawer title="Drawer Area" width="90%" closehandle="true">
                     <tabset rememberlastusertab="true" defertabrendering="true" renderas="">
                           <tab name="Overview" icon="fa-list">
                                 <basicfieldeditor showheader="true" showsavecancel="true" model="AccountWithOpportunities" buttonposition="" mode="read" layout="">
                                       <column width="33.3%">
                                             <section title="General Info" collapsible="no">
                                                   <field id="ParentId"/>
                                                   <field id="AccountNumber"/>
                                                   <field id="Type"/>
                                                   <field id="Industry"/>
                                                   <field id="Sic"/>
                                             <section title="Description" collapsible="no">
                                                   <field id="Description" valuehalign="" type="">
                                                      <label> </label>
                                             <section title="Additional Information" collapsible="no">
                                                   <field id="TickerSymbol"/>
                                                   <field id="Site"/>
                                                   <field id="AnnualRevenue"/>
                                                   <field id="Ownership"/>
                                                   <field id="NumberOfEmployees"/>
                                       <column width="33.3%">
                                             <section title="Contact" collapsible="no">
                                                   <field id="Phone" valuehalign="" type="">
                                                      <label>Primary Phone</label>
                                                   <field id="BillingState"/>
                                                   <field id="Fax"/>
                                                   <field id="Website"/>
                                             <section title="Address" collapsible="no">
                                                   <field type="COMBO" valuehalign="" editmodebehavior="autopopup">
                                                      <label>Billing Address</label>
                                                      <template>{{BillingStreet}} &amp;lt;br&amp;gt; {{BillingCity}}{{#BillingCity}},{{/BillingCity}} {{BillingState}} &amp;lt;br&amp;gt; {{BillingCountry}} &amp;lt;br&amp;gt; {{BillingPostalCode}} 
                                                   <field type="COMBO" valuehalign="" editmodebehavior="autopopup">
                                                      <label>Shipping Address</label>
                                                      <template>{{ShippingStreet}} &amp;lt;br&amp;gt; {{ShippingCity}}{{#ShippingCity}},{{/ShippingCity}} {{ShippingState}} &amp;lt;br&amp;gt; {{ShippingCountry}} &amp;lt;br&amp;gt; {{ShippingPostalCode}}
                                       <column width="33.3%">
                                             <section title="Internal Information" collapsible="no">
                                                   <field id="Rating"/>
                                             <section title="System Information" collapsible="no">
                                                   <field id="OwnerId"/>
                                                   <field id="CreatedDate"/>
                                                   <field type="COMBO" valuehalign="" editmodebehavior="autopopup">
                                                      <label>Last Modified</label>
                                                      <template>By: {{LastModifiedById}} on {{LastModifiedDate}}</template>
                           <tab name="Oppportunities" loadlazypanels="true" icon="fa-money">
                                 <skootable showconditions="true" showsavecancel="false" searchmethod="server" searchbox="true" showexportbuttons="false" pagesize="10" createrecords="true" model="Opportunities" buttonposition="" mode="read">
                                       <field id="Name"/>
                                       <field id="StageName"/>
                                       <field id="IsWon"/>
                                       <field id="IsClosed"/>
                                       <field id="CloseDate" valuehalign="" type=""/>
                                       <action type="edit"/>
                                       <action type="delete"/>
                                    <massactions usefirstitemasdefault="true">
                                       <action type="massupdate"/>
                                       <action type="massdelete"/>
                                       <view type="standard"/>
                           <tab name="Notes &amp;amp; Attachments" loadlazypanels="true" icon="sk-icon-notes-and-attachments">
                                 <tabset rememberlastusertab="true" defertabrendering="true" renderas="" uniqueid="" cssclass="subtabset">
                                       <tab name="Notes" icon="sk-icon-note">
                                             <skootable showconditions="true" showsavecancel="false" searchmethod="server" searchbox="true" showexportbuttons="false" pagesize="10" createrecords="true" model="Notes" buttonposition="" mode="read">
                                                   <field id="Title" valuehalign="" type=""/>
                                                   <field id="Body"/>
                                                   <field type="COMBO" valuehalign="">
                                                      <label>Last Modified</label>

  • Author
  • 45 replies
  • July 9, 2024


I created the new page using the code you provided (see screenshot), but I do not see a tab for attachments (see screenshot) to see the example you reference.



Click View Details.


  • Author
  • 45 replies
  • July 9, 2024

Thank you! It worked great. I should be able to go from here. Thanks, again.


  • Author
  • 45 replies
  • July 9, 2024

I have been playing with the example you gave. I made some color changes etc., Now, there is one more thing you may be able to help me with. How do I remove the blue color as depicted behind the Notes Sub tab (see screenshot)?



I am no CSS expert; just played around with the CSS in the Dev Tools.  

Replace the subtabsetcss with this body:

.subtabset .nx-template {&nbsp; font-weight: 700;<br>&nbsp; font-size: 12pt;<br>&nbsp; color: chartreuse;<br>}<br>.subtabset .ui-state-default.ui-corner-top.ui-tabs-active.ui-state-active {<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; background-color: pink;<br>}<br>.subtabset .ui-state-default.ui-corner-top.ui-tabs-active.ui-state-active.ui-state-hover {<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; background-color: salmon;<br>}



  • Author
  • 45 replies
  • July 9, 2024

You are so helpful. Thanks you so much. I am able to see what I need to do.


  • Nintex Employee
  • 3763 replies
  • July 9, 2024

Thanks Irvin.  Appreciate your help for Tracy here!  
(We are very proud of our community - and grateful for all you give back to the Skuid family!)



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