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customize browser tab title

  • July 9, 2024
  • 14 replies
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when viewing a standard SFDC page, the title starts with “object name: name record name” (second tab in the screenshot attached). when viewing a skuid page, the title equals “ - Enterprise Edition” (first tab in the screenshot). i’d like to override the tab title for skuid pages to match the format of the standard pages.

here’s the visualforce page:

<apex:page action=“{!redirect}&page=LeadDetail” extensions=“skuid.Redirects” standardController=“Lead”>

</apex:page> <b></b>any ideas?

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14 replies

  • Nintex Employee
  • 3763 replies
  • July 9, 2024

Will, try VF code that looks like this:

<apex:page standardController=“Lead” extensions=“skuid.Redirects”
showHeader=“true” sidebar=“false” readonly=“true” docType=“html-5.0”
action=“{!IF(canUseSkuid,‘’,redirect)}” title=“{!Lead.Name}”>
<skuid:page page=“LeadDetail” />



Thanks, Rob!



This doesn’t seem to work with Page Assignments (I have different Skuid pages displayed for different Record Types).

In my Visualforce Page, I use this:

<apex:page standardController=“Case” extensions=“skuid.Redirects”

What should I use as my action if I want to rename the tab? Seems like the “action” part of the below if the problem:

<apex:page standardController=“Case” extensions=“skuid.Redirects”
showHeader=“true” sidebar=“false” readonly=“true” docType=“html-5.0”
action=“{!IF(canUseSkuid,‘’,redirect)}” title=“{!Case.Subject}”>


  • Nintex Employee
  • 3763 replies
  • July 9, 2024

Here is the code we use in our org for view case.

<apex:page standardController="Case" tabStyle="Case" title="{!$ObjectType&#46;Case&#46;label}: {!Case&#46;CaseNumber}" extensions="skuid&#46;Redirects" action="{!IF(canUseSkuid,'',redirect)}" sidebar="false" readOnly="true" docType="html-5&#46;0"> <skuid:page objecttype="Case" actiontype="View"/> </apex:page>



Works perfectly - thank you!



oh…actually…it works until I open a pop-up on a page include from the case page.  

When I do this, the pop-up doesn’t show the proper page (should show a different object)…it just shows my Salesforce header.  



  • Nintex Employee
  • 3763 replies
  • July 9, 2024

I believe thats a different issue (If I understand you correctly).  It sounds like the page include code is not finding a page to connect to and is reverting to the empty saleforce header. 



The funny thing, though, is that the page include works just fine when the parent page is displayed using this Visualforce code:

<apex:page standardController=“Case” extensions=“skuid.Redirects”

When I update to the code you provided above, the page include no longer displays the appropriate page. (Page Include should show an object called MedRec__c, which has its own Visualforce page override. I did not change the MedRec__c Visualforce page.)


  • Nintex Employee
  • 3763 replies
  • July 9, 2024

Hmm.  A couple of random thoughts:

1.   I know we’ve had some bugs with using the “Page Assignment” type of page include.  You might try simply wiring the page include directly up to a skuid page.  

2.  The core part of my code that updates what shown in the tab is the line:  title=“{!$ObjectType.Case.label}: {!Case.CaseNumber}”     You might just add that to your working VF code and see if we get the best of both worlds. 



Hi Rob,

I have skuid page with different tiles on it which redirect to Account , campaign list pages.That open in new page.
Now when i open in new page i want change the tab name in browser is tthat possible?


  • Nintex Employee
  • 3763 replies
  • July 9, 2024

Yes it is possible.  Just set up a VF override page as shown above,  with the tab style and info properties you want.  Then make your tiles link to this VF page,  or to the object/action item you use it to override. 



Thank you so much Rob its done…



Hi Rob, 

I’m revisiting this issue - to recap:

 - I’m able to set the browser tab name by using the code your provided, but it messes up any page includes on the main page.  I re-read your comment about using the “Page Assignment” type of page include - I’m not using that, and am still having the issue.  I also tried just adding a title to my VF page (title=“{!Case.Subject}”), but that has no affect on the browser tab.  

Just wondering if you have any new thoughts on this.  I realize the work-around may be to reproduce the content of my page include in the main page, but it’s complex and I use it elsewhere…I’m worried about scalability when I need to edit it.

Thanks for any thoughts you have on this!



In case anyone is running into this same issue - I finally figured it out.  Key details: 

  • Follow this tutorial, particularly the “Prerequisites” part.  You need to create local copies of three of the VF pages in the Skuid package, or page includes won’t display properly. 
  • This part of the VF code - action=“{!IF(canUseSkuid,‘’,redirect)}” - does not reference page assignments, so if you need to render different pages for different situations, you need to add logic to the skuid:page VF component, like this: <skuid:page page=“{!IF(Account.Type=‘Patient’,‘SkuidPatientDetail’,‘’)}” 


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