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AssureSign: UpdateUser

Nintex Employee

The UpdateUser operation is used to change the main attributes of a user. This operation requires an AuthenticationToken returned from AuthenticateUser, which in turn requires passing of an active AssureSign username and password.

The UpdateUser operation requires knowledge of the following:

  • the AssureSign account ContextIdentifier the user belongs to (this is exposed in the AssureSign administrative application account settings). The ContextIdentifier is in the form of a global unique identifier (GUID).
  • an AuthenticationToken, returned from a successful call to AuthenticateUser
  • the UserName of the user to be updated

The optional items any combination of which may be modified are:

  • NewUserName if the UserName for AssureSign access should be modified (this must be an email address)
  • the user FirstName
  • the user LastName
  • the Password (not needed if a random password is being generated)
  • the Role the user is assigned to (configured in the Roles administration section)
  • an Inactive flag as true to disable the user (or false to turn on an inactive user)
  • Locked as false to unlock a user locked out due to bad password attempts
  • an optional SendCredentialsViaEmail flag
  • an optional AutoGenerateNewPassword flag (typically this should be selected in conjunction with the SendCredentialsViaEmail flag)
  • an optional Tags array of user-defined tags that may be used to associated additional data with a user beyond the properties explicitly defined by AssureSign.

Important: Our recommended security best practice is that RequirePasswordChange should only be set to false if the user being modified has provided their own password and this is being passed through via the CreateUser operation. If you are creating a password on behalf of the user and communicating that to them, then we recommend setting RequirePasswordChange to true. Also note that the password strength settings configured on the account will be respected, so that the user update will fail if Password is being modified and it does not meet all criteria. More information on recommended configurations for passwords may be read here.


Sample XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
<UpdateUser xmlns="">
  <Request ContextIdentifier="8d17c44a-458d-455b-b240-fc6dba5cf1db" AuthenticationToken="[authentication token]" UserName="" Password="NewPassword">
    <RequirePasswordChange p2:nil="true" xmlns:p2="" />
    <Inactive p2:nil="true" xmlns:p2="" />
    <Locked p2:nil="true" xmlns:p2="" />
        <UserTag Name="ExternalUserId" Value="MyUserId" />

The SOAP Action header is

The returned result will include:

  • Success flag indicating whether or not the user was updated successfully

The UpdateUserResult should be checked for the presence of an Exceptions element, which may contain multiple UserException items.

Sample XML response is presented here:

<UpdateUserResponse xmlns="">
  <UpdateUserResult Success="true">
    <Exceptions />


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