K2 connect SmartObject returns "Input string was not in a correct format" error.
After transferring a K2 Connect service object from an older version to a new server using K2 connect 4.7.1, or after upgrading K2 connect to 4.7.1, K2 connect SmartObjects starts returning an "Input string was not in a correct format" error.
- When testing the BAPI method in Test Cockpit, the same "Input string was not in a correct format" error appears
- The error will not appear if you leave the input parameters empty
- The error only appears for a method that accepts complex objects (eg. XML)
- No such error occurs with previous versions of K2 Connect.
- Launch your K2 Connect Administration tool
- Click on Settings
- Click on Configure Destinations
- Right-click on your SAP destination, and select Destinations > Modify
- Add DELTA=0 in the connection string: e.g ASHOST= SYSNR=00 CLIENT=500 LANG=EN DELTA=0 USER=user PASSWD=pass
- Click OK to save the updated connection string
- Test your destination to make sure there are no errors in the connection string.