K2 for SharePoint 4.6.9 Resolved Issues
PRODUCTK2 blackpearl 4.6.9
BASED ONK2 blackpearl 4.6.9
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KB001659 lists issues for K2 for SharePoint that have been resolved in the K2 for SharePoint 4.6.9 release, released on the 26 February 2015.
Issues Resolved:
- When installing K2 for SharePoint there is a dependency on SharePoint Client Components Redistributable, however, the Setup Manager allowed the install to continue even though the dependency had not been met. The Setup Manager should have prevented the installation from continuing until the dependency had been met.
- When creating SmartObjects (Data) for SharePoint Lists an error stating 'Field Custom Lookup has a dependency on a lookup list that could not be found' occurred when a List on sub site contained a lookup to a parent site.
- When uploading a large file to a SharePoint 2013 sub site or Wildcard Sites using the site's SmartObject Upload Document method resulted in an error stating 'The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.'
- Creating a Document Set SmartObject in the K2 Application and then using the SmartObject's tGet Document Sets] method to return the document sets by filtering on certain properties returns all the document sets instead of the correct document set.
- Using the Create Site method directly in the SmartObject Tester Tool to create a sub site results in the incorrect URL being returned when the sub site is created.
- When using the GetDocuments() SmartObject method not all the documents in the Library are returned when setting the Recursive field to True. Furthermore, the incorrect amount of records are returned as specified with the row limit parameter.
- Certain SharePoint master pages do not display the SmartForms correctly which results in a JavaScript error when a new item is added to a list or library. For example, if the Oslo master page is used only the SmartForms name is displayed, but no fields or controls.
- Certain Controls i buttons were not functioning correctly.
- In an environment that had a large number of users and multiple domains, would experience that when creating a new workflow the designer would be very slow, eventually the designer would open and display the canvas in a disabled state with the spinner continuing to spin endlessly.
- When a workflow is started manually for a SharePoint List containing more than 6 columns of type Person or Group an error is thrown stating 'An unexpected error has occurred while trying to resolve a value for Resolver ID error'. Similarly if the workflow was set to start using a SmartForm or an event no error was shown but the workflow would not be started. Note, that the solution applied to this issue was to improve on the error message that is displayed, to inform you that too many lookup columns are selected.
- In a workflow when trying to update a document's metadata using the Update Document Properties Event Wizard and the document resided in a folder in the SharePoint Library, the properties were not updated at runtime.
- "Saving a workflow designed in the K2 App in SharePoint Online as a project file (kprx), then opening it in K2 Studio for further editing results in the following error when deploying the workflow.
""1 Error(s)
(SEO Content) The ""SourceCode.SharePoint15.DeploymentTask.Task"" task filed unexpectedly."" "
K2 Application
- Deleting K2 Artefacts for a SharePoint List or Library and leaving the category in which they were contained, via the K2 Designer, resulted in an error stating "Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index" when clicking on the K2 Application icon. Similarly when deleting the category and then clicking on the K2 Application icon an "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error would display.