K2 4.6.2 (4.12060.1520.0) High Priority Fixes
PRODUCTIssues Resolved:
K2 Server
- Using a custom LDAP provider causes problems when returning the groups that an LDAP user belongs to. When assigning process rights for example to that group, the LDAP user will not be able to start a process instance if start rights were assigned.
- An error occurs stating "Invalid length for a Base-64 char array" when attempting to use SmartObject Services in a Kerberos environment.
- After upgrading to K2 blackpearl 4.5 Update KB001420, redirecting a worklist item does not get logged in the K2 Server log file.
- Using an Inline Function in a K2 Designer where an optional parameter is not set, causes a "NullReferenceException" error in the K2 Server.
K2 Designers and Wizards
- The Default Client Event Welcome page has the Mobile Web Page option which is incorrect. The option should be displayed as Additional URL instead.
- When saving a K2 Designer for SharePoint process, containing an InfoPath Upload document event, to a design file causes the wizard's settings to be blank when opening it in K2 Studio or K2 Designer for Visual Studio.
- When executing a process containing a Forms Generation Client Event, a folder is created for the Client Event Page instead of a Web Application.
- When configuring an escalation e-mail on an activity, the escalation e-mail is sent multiple times to each destination user instead of just once. For example if the destination rule on a Default Client Event is set to Plan per destination with the All at Once option, and 2 users are added, the escalation mail will be sent twice to each user instead of only once.
- When designing a process in K2 Studio and no line was added from the Start Activity, deployment succeeds. An error should be thrown indicating the Start Activity line is missing.
- During the configuration of a SharePoint Document Reference within the Item Reference Event, when creating a mapping with a special character in the mapping name, the wizard becomes detached from K2 Designer for Visual Studio.
- An error occurs stating "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" in the SharePoint List and Libraries Wizard. This occurs when creating a new Announcement List, selected from the "SharePoint Object Browser Lists" and then added to the “Save List Name to” textbox.
- Deployment fails in K2 Designer for Visual Studio when using a Forms Generation project. This occurs in Visual Studio 2010 running on a 32bit environment and is due to a missing registry key.
- After configuring a SharePoint Records Management Event with design time values in K2 Designer for Visual Studio and editing the event, the design time values are not persisted and needs to be configured again.
- If a user creates a K2 Studio project or process and the username of that user contains an apostrophe, a validation error occurs stating "A Project or Process name cannot contain any special characters". This is due to the apostrophe being added in the location path of the Project or Process.
- When creating a new Campaign using the CRM wizard in K2 Designer for Visual Studio and the Status Reason is marked as required it still allows the user to navigate past the "Entity Attributes" window. A process instance is also then allowed to be completed and the Status Reason is defaulted to "Proposed".
- When using Choice Columns from a SharePoint list on the Start and Action pages of a K2 Designer for SharePoint process, "Fill in" values cannot be added on these columns even though the choice columns are configured to allow fill in values.
- When K2 Studio is opened without starting the K2 Server the design canvas is in error state which is correct. However after starting the K2 Server, K2 Studio cannot be refreshed to reload the design canvas.
- When saving a K2 Studio project after removing the ".kprx" extension from the location path, an error occurs stating "An Invalid project name has been specified. Correct the project name and path before continuing".
- When configuring an escalation e-mail in K2 Designer for SharePoint and selecting to send the escalation e-mail to the destination or the originator, the "To" field is cleared and the e-mail does not get send.
- A warning message is received when configuring a Document Event in K2 Designer for SharePoint when the name of the relevant Document Library contains an underscore.
- The return type name "Content Control Tag Name" is cut short when configuring the "GetWordContent" Inline function in K2 Designer for SharePoint.
- Unable to use "Favorite" data parts from the Context browser in a Set Folio Event configured in K2 Designer for SharePoint. An error occurs stating "Requested value 'Name' was not found".
- When using a SmartObject in K2 Designer for SharePoint and the SmartObject has been deleted, an incorrect error message is displayed.
- Attempting to save a process template with no name specified successfully saves the process template in K2 Designer for SharePoint.
- Adding an outcome in between steps in K2 Designer for SharePoint, incorrectly displays the outcome as a User Task. Instead it should be a blank outcome until configured.
- When configuring a Create List Item Event in K2 Designer for SharePoint and the relevant list contains a column with the name "Name", that column does not display in the event.
- Creating a SharePoint Workflow Integrated process in K2 Designer for Visual Studio where Document Sets are used to start the workflow, and adding the Document Library columns in the Start and Action pages, results in the columns not being carried over to the worklist item.
- The SharePoint Document Event Wizard in K2 Designer for Visual Studio does not support the option to assign design time values for both the Source and Destination options in the wizard.
- During configuration of a document event in K2 Designer for Visual Studio, using the "Create Document Set" action, the "Update" column is incorrectly displayed on the metadata page of the wizard.
- Unable to drop an inline function in the "Logical Value" field that returns an integer during configuration of an Outcome Succeeding Rule Property Wizard in K2 Designer for Visual Studio.
- Using the "Upgrade Design Templates" option in K2 Designer for Visual Studio after upgrading K2 blackpearl, does not upgrade the process finish rule.
- ASPX pages do not display in a process instance when configuring a SharePoint Workflow Integrated process in K2 Designer for Visual Studio. This only occurs when the wizard is configured with the Form Location to “Generate new ASP.net Pages” and the Form Layout is not set to "Basic Form" before setting the Form Location.
- Unable to edit certain inline functions used in an expression in a K2 Designer for SharePoint process that has been exported to K2 Studio.
- When adding a SharePoint List ID in the subject of a User Task Notification in K2 Designer for SharePoint results in no e-mail being sent.
SharePoint Integration and InfoPath Integration
- After upgrading to K2 blackpearl 4.5 Update KB001420, a process used to update metadata in a Forms Library does not update all the metadata. This only occurs after redeploying the process.
- When deleting a SharePoint list whilst running a K2 SharePoint Integrate process instance on another list, an error occurs in the Event Viewer stating that the list could not be found. The running instance is then unable to complete.
- Unable to manually start a K2 SharePoint Integrated workflow from SharePoint when using IE9 on a Norwegian Operating System.
- After upgrading to K2 blackpearl 4.5 Update KB001420 deployment fails on an InfoPath Integrated process where the InfoPath form is configured to deploy as a content type. An error occurs at deployment stating "invalid URI, the URI is empty".
- Unable to sort on Title column within the InfoPath Process Integration wizard where a Form Library is selected from a SharePoint URL to deploy the InfoPath form to. An error occurs stating "Object reference not set to an instance of an object".
- When activating K2 Features to the SharePoint target site through Central Administration or K2 SharePoint Configuration Wizard, the target site application pool ID is assigned K2 Impersonation rights only but should be assigned K2 Admin rights as well.
- K2 for SharePoint Configuration wizard fails with an error stating "Invalid URI: URI is empty", when trying to activate features and an empty SharePoint URL environment field exists on the environment.
- The update library action in the SharePoint Lists and Libraries event overrides the template versioning.
- Using a List Item Event in a K2 Designer for Visual Studio process with the "Get List Item" action, does not return the read only values when running an instance of the process.
- When using a data field of type binary in a SharePoint Workflow Integrated process, starting an instance of the process results in an error stating "Unable to cast object of type 'System.String' to type 'System.Byte[]".
- The SharePoint SmartObject create page becomes unresponsive when trying to create a new SmartObject in SharePoint 2010.
K2 Workspace and Process Portals
- An error occurs stating "Could not load the grid: Column ’procsetid’ does not belong to table ” when accessing Process Rights or Process Instances on an environment set to Hungarian Regional settings.
- After upgrading to K2 blackpearl 4.6, Active Directory groups previously added to K2 Workspace>Management Console>Server Name>Workflow Server>Server Rights with K2 Admin rights does not have Admin rights anymore.
- Creating a custom report from K2 Workspace>Report Designer, results in an error stating "The definition of the report 'Main Report' is invalid". This only occurs on a clean install of K2 4.6.1.
- Unable to open reports in excel from K2 Workspace.
- Unable to open a managed user’s worklist item from K2 Workspace as the manager. An error occurs stating that the manager does not have rights to open the managed user’s worklist item. This only occurs on SharePoint Workflow Integration Processes.
- When filtering on a task list in K2 Workspace using a partial folio name, an error occurs stating "Failed to return Worklist Data Table: SqlDataTime overflow".
- Unable to remove Active Directory users or groups from Process Portals>Process Rights, if these users or groups contain an apostrophe in their names.
- When calling the GetRoleNameList method of the SourceCode.Security.UserRoleManager.Management.UserRoleManager class, the Connection.Open properly authenticates the user against the K2 server, but then attempts to connect to SQL Server as the authenticated user instead of connecting as the K2 Service account. An error stating “Login failed for user '[domain][user]” then occurs if the authenticated user does not have appropriate permissions in the K2HostServer database to connect to SQL.
- During the installation and configuration of K2, the SmartObjectServices configuration is incorrectly set to the machine name instead of the cluster name on a clustered environment.
- K2 Setup Manager does not allow installation on the 64bit folder on a 64bit environment.
- The K2 Setup Manager becomes unresponsive after clicking next on the CRM section during upgrading a development environment to K2 blackpearl 4.6.
- Running the K2 Setup Manager as a user without permissions to the proxy server, causes the "Latest Version Available" section to display incorrectly as "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W#C//DTD XHTML 1.0Tr". It should just indicate that the version could not be established.
K2 SmartForms
- The icon of the Client Event is missing in the Viewflow on a K2 SmartForms Integrated process instance designed in K2 Designer for Visual Studio.
Oracle Service
- The following Oracle Service issues have been reolved:
> A numeric or value error displayed when executing a READ method where the outputs were of a VARCHAR2 type
> Only one record returned when using a REF_CURSOR on a LIST method
> The READ method in a Store Procedure returned no values
> Added functionality for "Oracle COMPLEXFLAG2"
> An error occured when attempting to register a Service Instance in K2 Workspace
- Unable to click on certain events in an activity in the Silverlight Viewflow. This occurs if expired activity instance destinations exist on the activity.