Adding 2 methods to restart nodes like Unattended UI Svc without restarting Nintex Kryon Services
Method 1:
1. go to http://FQDN:50505/ui/playgroundNote: if the URL cannot be accessed, use Method 2. 2. Use the following command (Unattended UI Svc used as example): mutation { restart(appNames: ['Unattended UI Svc'])}3. When the restart is successful, it should show:{'data':{'restart':true}}Method 2:1. Go to http://FQDN/Seq and search for the node you wish to kill (e.g. Unattended Ui Svc)2. Take note of the PID found in Seq for the service3. Open Task Manager and select Details tab4. Sort the processes by PID and find the Node.js service with the corresponding PID5. Right click and select End Task6. Check Seq to see if Watchdog has restarted the service under a different PID