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Code Fix: Retrying a workflow in error state incorrectly completes the workflow


K2 Five 5.0
K2 Five (5.0) Fix Pack 26
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Issue Description

When Activity A expires and the workflow moves on to Activity B which has no destinations set, the workflow will go into error state. In K2 Management site, when you retry the workflow it will complete instead of stil showing as in error state.


The K2 Workflow did not save the correct state when going into error state.


  1. Ensure you have K2 Five RTM installed.
  2. Get the K2 Five RTM FP26 from Regional Support.
  3. Install the K2 Five RTM FP26 to apply the fix.
  4. It is recommended to refresh the browser cache.


K2 Workflow instances which are already in this broken state will not be fixed, this fix is only applicable to new instances.


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