TypedParameterInfo elements may contain the following attributes:
- Name – the name must be used explicitly in any submit operations.
- Prompt – the Prompt is set when a parameter is created on a template in the AssureSign administration system, and is meant to provide a mechanism for pre-configuring prompts for user input.
- Tag – the Tag is an optional value set when a parameter is created on a template in the AssureSign administration system, and may be used for any purpose needed to fulfill some development requirement.
- Required – when “true”, the parameter must be populated on a Submit operation.
- DefaultValue – the DefaultValue Prompt is set when a parameter is created on a template in the AssureSign administration system, and is meant to be used to pre-populate a data entry location on your user interface.
- Regex – the Regex is a Regular Expression that you insert into the AssureSign administration system when creating the template parameter. You may execute a standard regular expression check in whatever language you have written your code, and optionally display the ValidationMessage on a failure. Additionally, when the account setting “Enforce Typed Parameter Validation” is set to “Yes”, then it should be understood that this Regex expression will be used for server-side validation on Submit operations
- ValidationMessage – the ValidationMessage is meant to be displayed on failures that occur from regular expression checks on input against the Regex attribute value.
- SystemName – the SystemName attribute is only provided for parameters used for signatory/workflow definition and provides a unique system-defined identifier for the parameter. This identifier can be used in document submission operations in place of the user-defined parameter name.