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JotBlockInfo Element

Nintex Employee

JotBlockInfo elements may contain the following attributes:

  • Border – a string value indicating whether the JotBlock border is set to 'All' (indicating that a border will be present on all sides), 'Bottom' (indicating that a border will only be present on the bottom), and 'None' (indicating that no border will be present).
  • Certified – a Boolean value indicating whether or not the JotBlock is configured to render certified metadata.
  • FieldType – a string enumeration indicating whether the JotBlock is 'Typed' or 'Written'.
  • FixedInputTimingType - for JotBlocks of InputType Fixed, pecifies the timing that controls when the text is applied to the document (OnDocumentStart or OnDocumentComplete).
  • FontBold – for Typed JotBlocks, this will be a Boolean value indicating whether or not the text value of the JotBlock will be in Bold when rendered to the final document.
  • FontItalic – for Typed JotBlocks, this will be a Boolean value indicating whether or not the text value of the JotBlock will be in bold when rendered to the final document.
  • FontName – for Typed JotBlocks, this will be a string value indicating the name of the font that will be used when rendering the text value of the JotBlock to the final document. Possible options include 'Courier New', 'Arial', 'Times New Roman', 'Bradley Hand ITC', 'BrushScript BT', 'My Handwriting', and 'Otto'.
  • FontSize – for Typed JotBlocks, this will be a byte value indicating the font size that will be used when rendering the text value of the JotBlock to the final document. Possible options include 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14.
  • FontUnderline – for Typed JotBlocks, this will be a Boolean value indicating whether or not the text value of the JotBlock will be underlined when rendered to the final document.
  • Height – a numeric value indicating the height of the JotBlock expressed as a ratio of the height of the JotBlock to the overall height of the visible portion of the page in pixels (JotBlock height / Page Height).
  • HorizontalAlignment – for Typed JotBlocks, this will be a string enumeration indicating the horizontal alignment that will be used for the text value within the JotBlock. Possible values are Left, Center, and Right.
  • InkColor – for Written JotBlocks, this will be a string value indicating whether the signature will be displayed using Blue or Black ink.
  • InputType – a string enumeration indicating how the JotBlock is configured to receive its value. If 'Signatory', the value will be provided by a signatory during signing. If 'Parameter', the value will be set based on the value provided for the corresponding parameter at the time of document setup. If 'Fixed', the value will be the static value provided during JotBlock definition or passed in TypedData (this may contain merge fields enclosed in brackets).
  • Instructions – a string value indicating the (optional) user-defined instructions that will be presented to the signatory when the JotBlock is displayed for input.
  • Name – a string value indicating the user-defined name for the JotBlock.
  • Page – a numeric value indicating the page number of the page on which the JotBlock is defined.
  • ParameterName – for JotBlocks with an InputType of 'Parameter', this will indicate the user-defined name of the parameter that will be used to populate the JotBlock value.
  • PositionX – a numeric value indicating the x (horizontal) position of the JotBlock expressed as a ratio of the x-coordinate of the left side of the JotBlock to the overall width of the visible portion of the page in pixels (JotBlock Left x-coordinate / Page Width). This is calculated from the left hand-side of the page.
  • PositionY – a numeric value indicating the y (horizontal) position of the JotBlock expressed as a ratio of the y-coordinate of the left side of the JotBlock to the overall height of the visible portion of the page in pixels (JotBlock Top y-coordinate / Page Height). This is calculated from the top of the page.
  • Regex – for Typed JotBlocks, this will be a string value that (optionally) indicates the regular expression validation to be used against the value for this JotBlock. Possible values include any regular expression string.
  • Required – a Boolean value indicating whether or not the JotBlock is required (applies to Signatory JotBlocks only).
  • Signatory – for JotBlocks with an InputType of 'Signatory', this will be a string value indicating the system name of the signatory assigned to the JotBlock.
  • SigningOrder – a numeric value indicating the order in which JotBlocks will be presented to signers during signing.
  • SigningStep – a numeric value indicating the step in the signing process during which the JotBlock will be signed.
  • TypedData – for Typed JotBlocks, this will be a string value indicating the pre-defined text value of the JotBlock.
  • TypedFieldOptions – for Typed JotBlocks with a SignatoryInputType of 'MultipleChoiceText', 'MultipleChoiceGraphic', 'MultipleChoiceRadio', or 'MultipleChoiceCheckbox' this will be an element containing an array of TypedOptionInfo element elements.
  • TypedFieldValidationName – for Typed JotBlocks with a SignatoryInputType of 'Prefill', this will be a string value indicating the name of the prefill/validation type selected for the JotBlock.
  • TypedFieldSignatoryInputType – for Typed JotBlocks, this will be a text value indicating the type of method of input the signer will be prompted to use for this JotBlock. Possible values include 'FreeText', 'Prefill', 'MultipleChoiceText', 'MultipleChoiceGraphic', 'MultipleChoiceRadio', 'MultipleChoiceCheckbox', 'Timestamp' and 'CustomValidation'.
  • TypedFieldValidationType – for Typed JotBlocks with a SignatoryInputType of 'Prefill', this will be a string enumeration indicating the prefill/validation type selected for the JotBlock.
  • ValidationMessage – for Typed JotBlocks, this will be a string value that (optionally) indicates the message that the signatory will get if the value for this JotBlock does not validate against the regular expression.
  • VerticalAlignment – for Typed JotBlocks, this will be a string enumeration indicating the vertical alignment that will be used for the text value within the JotBlock. Possible values are Top, Center, and Bottom.
  • Width – a numeric value indicating the width of the JotBlock expressed as a ratio of the width of the JotBlock to the overall width of the visible portion of the page in pixels (JotBlock width / Page Width).
  • WordWrap – for Typed JotBlocks, this will be a Boolean value indicating whether or not the text value wrap within the JotBlock if longer than the width of the JotBlock.
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