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Execute SQL AC: How to use Json_Extract function while executing the query

Nintex Employee
  • Nintex Employee
  • 652 replies
Product: Kryon RPA
Product Version:19.1
Components: Database; Kryon Studio
Article Contributors: Zakir Khan
Purpose of creating this article: 1- Kryon Execute SQL query AC can run Queries with JSON functions (e.g. JSON_Extract ) functions 2- To showcase how to run / check it step by step 3- For this example using MYSQL but same can be achieved with MSSQL

Prerequisites:1- Kryon Studio v19.1 or above 2- MySQL Workbench to create DB/Table 3- Access to database
Set up Table with JSON parameter using MySQL workbench:
Note: Click this Link to download MySQL Workbench​  
 Please find below full script:
  1. Create the table tj10 :
Use rpadb;CREATE TABLE tj10 (a JSON, b INT);INSERT INTO tj10 VALUES ("[3,10,5,17,44]", 33), ("[3,10,5,17,[22,44,66]]", 0);INSERT INTO tj10 VALUES ('[3,10,5,"x",44]', 33), ('[3,10,5,17,[22,"y",66]]', 0);
  1. Run the following query to check the table as shown below :
SELECT * FROM rpadb.tj10;


Getting an element from Nested Array:


Note: Table we created having two column "a" and "b". Column "a" is of nested array type 
SELECT JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(a, "$[4][1]")) FROM rpadb.tj10;
There is one more way but this doesn't works with Kryon Studio:
SELECT a->"$[4][1]" FROM rpadb.tj10;


Action to be performed in Kryon Studio:
  1. Open Studio and create a new blank wizard
  2. Get Execute SQL AC and setup the query string
  3. If you already having query string the paste in required connection string field or else use Builder option (See pic3)
  4. If using Builder then select appropriate driver and select appropriate DSN (Data source name) created for MySQL server instance using ODBC data source 64-bit. And check if connection is successful. (See pic 4 , 5, 6 & 7))






Info for Pic7: Search for ODBC Data source 64-bit in Start search menu and then add system data source under System DSN tab. Same you will be able to see in Kryon studio under connection string builder

 Pic 7:



Final Query Inside Kryon Studio:


Note: Make sure to replace "$" sign from MySql query with a variable inside Kryon Studio. 
  1. Final query to be written in SQL AC:
SELECT JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(a, "$dollar$[4][1]")) as name FROM rpadb.tj10;



See the following output:





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