I'm sure this can be done but cant put all the pieces together...
For the project I'm working on I'm not sending custom email for tasks instead of using the default task notification mesthod. Therefore I'm constructing a custom URL for the users to click on to open the task.
As part of this I want to be able to pass the Folio value as a paramtetyer in my URL and then have the smartform get the value when the form is opened and save into a datafield.
Any ideas on how to achieve this?
thanks Paul
Best answer by tbyrne777
This is absolutely possible and should be fairly straight-forward... you can pass parameters into a form via URL simply by having the parameter name on the form match what it is in your URL. So when you are constructing your URL, just include &folio_param=[folio] and on your form create a parameter named "folio_param". Then on form initialize rule, put a condition that says if folio_param has a value transfer it to your local data field to use elsewhere on the form.
Hopefully I understood your question and that solution makes sense, please let me know if you requre more details.
This is absolutely possible and should be fairly straight-forward... you can pass parameters into a form via URL simply by having the parameter name on the form match what it is in your URL. So when you are constructing your URL, just include &folio_param=[folio] and on your form create a parameter named "folio_param". Then on form initialize rule, put a condition that says if folio_param has a value transfer it to your local data field to use elsewhere on the form.
Hopefully I understood your question and that solution makes sense, please let me know if you requre more details.
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