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Preview Mobile App Forms - and removing generated previews

  • September 16, 2015
  • 9 replies
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This is just a quick tip. I was working on several forms that all had Nintex Mobile layouts. For several of these forms I used Preview mode so I could test the form, but not publish the changes to the user.


To preview a form, select the Preview button on the Nintex Forms Design Ribbon. The preview settings dialog will appear before the preview is displayed. Then choose the device type of Nintex Mobile App. Forms designed for the Nintex Mobile App are not available for preview directly within the Nintex Forms Designer as it cannot render an accurate preview. When a mobile layout is specified as the device layout to preview, the platform and mode are not longer relevant.


This worked great without issue until I realized later that I had a couple of previews left over and wondered why they didn't go away after I published the form. I couldn't find anything in the designer to remove the Mobile App previews. I forgot this simple note in the Forms User Guide:

Once the Generate Preview button is clicked the form will be made available on Nintex Mobile only for the user who has designed the form. The form will be removed from the forms list once it has been submitted. An existing preview form will be overwritten if a new preview is generated.


So I submitted the preview form, and it was gone just like it said. Silly of me to look around for 20 minutes for a delete button.


Hope this helps someone else!


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9 replies


What if the preview is for a task form that includes required (read only) fields. users can provide outcome through the mobile task but the other required fields are pulled automatically from the list when an item is created. Because it is just a preview form, those required fields are blank hence it doesn't allow to fill or submit the form - in order to remove it from the preview list..

Any idea? 


  • 8 replies
  • December 13, 2016

Any suggestions on this?  I'm having the same issue.  Because there is a required field in the associated list item, I am unable to submit (and get rid of) the preview version.

thanks in advance



  • Author
  • 1129 replies
  • December 14, 2016

I believe if you go to the list settings, uncheck the required fields as required. Complete the items, then set them back to required. The temporary change should allow the submission.


  • Novice
  • 554 replies
  • June 26, 2017

So, probably an obvious answer here but how do you delete a form that has been published to the app? I've tried removing the app and deleting the form from the list altogether.


  • Author
  • 1129 replies
  • April 5, 2018

Ryan, I missed this response, but simply complete the preview form and submit it. That will push out the preview out of the mobile app.



This is not working for us in app studio app but works fine with app downloaded from apple store. The previews do not disappear, the deleted forms do not go away,.......huge is frustating out users and want to move on without nintex altogether. I have several tickets open with Nintex and some of my ticket is open for over 3 months now.


  • 13 replies
  • July 11, 2018

Hi Bright Light‌,

Do you have any updates from your tickets regarding this matter?

I am experiencing the same issue and it is very frustrating indeed. 





I have not still heard back from Nintex regarding this specifically. However, the preview are disappearing now, but if i had created a mobile layout, and deleted mobile layout and published the form, it does not disappear from the app until you clear the local storage. This is a huge drawback, the deleted layouts do not disappear.



Shanaka Naranpanawe,

I recently heard back from nintex and told me that this issue is now cleared with version 5.5. I confirmed that this is now working on version 5.5. The deleted layouts are disappearing when refreshing the form without clearing local storage. The previews are also disappearing after submitting the form.

There is a slight change when refreshing the form/task. It does not show the current date and time, but it shows the date and time last time the form/task was modified on the server.



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