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Does not have Security rights on the Process error when deploying

  • May 19, 2021
  • 5 replies
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  • 13 replies

I am trying to deploy package from P&D tool to UAT 5.2 environment. I am getting error as below:-

Fail Process  WorkflowName
C:ProgramDataTempDeployment440b3e405a324f209449ba740a75bad1.msbuild(125,5) : error : SmartObject Server Exception: K2:DomainABC does not have Security rights on the ‘WorkflowName Process Instances’ SmartObject.. SmartObject: [WorkflowName Process Instances] 


The workflow built in 4.7 version and migrated to 5.2 . Recently i did some changes in workflow using K2 studio and deployed on DEV. Now i am trying to deploy package on UAT and it is giving me an error.

I have Server Admin rights and Admin rights on workflow as well.

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  • Nintex Employee
  • 13 replies
  • May 20, 2021

Hi BigB,


Please check if you are a member of the "Package and Deployment" role and "Security Administrators" role, If not yet kindly add your user account in there


Once done test again and check if that resolves the issue


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  • Author
  • Rookie
  • 13 replies
  • May 20, 2021

Hi @KateV 


I am already  member of the "Package and Deployment" role and "Security Administrators" role.


I am able to deploy other applications.


  • Nintex Employee
  • 13 replies
  • May 21, 2021

Hi BigB,


Kindly try to uncheck the option to generate the reporting SmartObjects from your workflow, and redeploy the workflow. Once done check if this helps to resolve the issue


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  • Nintex Employee
  • 94 replies
  • May 25, 2021

Hi BigB,


I recently ran into this issue and it took a day to track it down. It turned out this would only occur with legacy workflows deployed via thick client tools (i.e K2 Studio or K2 for VS). The key to this is in the error message.


K2:DomainABC does not have Security rights on the ‘WorkflowName Process Instances’ SmartObject..


Can you give the steps below a try and see if that will resolve the issue?


1. Navigate to Management site > Categories > Workflow Reports > Workflow Solutions > Your_project > your_WorkflowName Process Instances.


2. Click on Security tab and give the SmartObject Security right (Allow).


Alternatively, you can give Security right (Allow) at the Workflow Solutions category level. Other objects under it will inherit this permission.




  • Scholar
  • 499 replies
  • May 25, 2021

If you open the Process in Visual Studio, there is an option (in the upper-right corner I believe) where you can uncheck SmartObjects. Unless you know for sure you are using the SmartObjects that get generated with the workflow process, you can uncheck this to allow deployment to proceed.



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