When working with demo.nintex.com, I want to make some minor changes to the workflow and publish it, but I can't since there's a Document Generation action that needs to be updated. When opening this existing action, it shows: "The configuration for this action was updated to reflect the latest version. To finalize this update, save the action and retag associated document templates". The "read more" points to an URL that doesn't exist: http://help.nintex.com/en-US/O365/Default.htm#cshid=1319
I don't mind reconfiguring the action, but I can't access the config that's already there, since there's no config when I open the action. Figuring out what the existing config was is time-consuming, and may not even be possible in some cases (e.g. if I have to work on an existing flow built by someone else with no documentation available).
How can I access the existing config in to-be-updated actions?
I tried exporting the flow, but that just results in a .nwp file that's inaccessible with tools like Notepad++
Please advise.