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Lookup List control selection works in New mode but disappears when submitted form is opened in display or edit mode

  • September 1, 2023
  • 7 replies
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I have a form with a lookup list control that populates “Location” drop down list choices. I then use a rule and variables to also pull in the Location’s associated “Area” and “District” values. 

Location is a list lookup control

Area and District are text short controls.

All 3 associated sharepoint list columns are single line of text.

Everything works fine in New mode, but if I open up a submitted form the “Location” lookup value disappears. How do I make the Location selection “stick” and display on the form when it is opened? 


SharePoint list item for the submitted form:


What I see when I open the form:


Form rule I’m using to populate Area and District:


settings for the Location lookup list control:


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Nintex Employee
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  • September 12, 2023

Hi @mtburgess ,


This is very difficult do diagnose in this forum and is probably best to be handled by Nintex Support.

Looking over this I do see a couple of things that may be causing the issue.
Firstly I see that you have Display Unique values only checked.  This tells me that your lookup list is not setup properly and contains duplicates.
The second thing I see is that you are recording the Text and not the Item ID.  If the first statement is correct and you do have duplicates then trying to re-lookup the list based on the text will not work.
If you only want the fields to be filled in new mode only you can add to your rule to say AND Form Mode New is Yes.


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  • September 12, 2023

Hi @SimonMuntz 

Thank you for the reply, I may need to contact support to figure this out as you suggest. 

I have disabled the “display unique values” in the list lookup control, it wasn’t really needed as “Location” does not have any duplicates in the lookup list. However that did not fix the issue. 

I am doing “value to store = item text” so that the location name shows on the form and the SharePoint list. 

This seems straightforward to me as I just want the “Location” drop down selection to stick and display what was selected when the form is reopened on the SharePoint list. If I’m storing the text location value and I’m connected to a text SharePoint column, why doesn’t it show when the form is re-opened? Shouldn’t it just show the value of the connected SharePoint column? 


Here’s a screenshot of my lookup list. There is no “Location” duplicates. There are “Area” and “District” duplicates as there can be various locations in the same areas and districts. Location is the only thing I’m struggling with. 


Screenshot of variables. txt_Area and txt_District populate the sharepoint list and display on the form, these work properly. It is just the list lookup control for Location that does not remember what was chosen. 



Nintex Employee
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  • 2456 replies
  • September 13, 2023

Hi @mtburgess<

If you store the ID instead of the text for testing purposes, does it work then?


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  • September 13, 2023

Hi @SimonMuntz 

I switched it to store ID instead of Text and that does work, the chosen Location “sticks” and displays when I open up the submitted form.

I did 2 tests, one with text, one with ID, everything else the same. The store text test entry did not have the Location “stick” just like with my original issue.

So storing ID instead of Text fixes the issue BUT now in the SharePoint list you see the ID of 8 instead of the actual location name Belton, SC. The ID isn’t meaningful to the end user.

How do I have both the look up list control on the Nintex form and the SharePoint list be consistent and show the text selection in both places? 

Side note, I did find a workaround for this issue which is to create a 2nd “Location” control on the form that is text-short. I have a rule fill in the chosen list lookup Location to this text Location field. Then I have rules to show only the list lookup Location control on New and Edit mode, but display mode hides the list lookup Location control and shows the text Location control. This workaround isn’t ideal though as it adds unneeded complexity I think, hoping I’m just misunderstanding the List Lookup control and can use just that instead of my workaround. 


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  • September 13, 2023

I know Euan Gamble used to work at Nintex and has some great easy to follow youtube videos. If you watch his video at around the 7:30 mark he is accomplishing exactly what my issue is here. He saves the Text of a list lookup control to a SharePoint column, and it “sticks” when he opens the form back up. He also notes that storing the ID isn’t useful for end users. 


I believe I am setting things up the same way he did, why does this work for him and not me? 


Youtube link: Basics of the List Lookup control for Nintex New Responsive Forms for Office365 - YouTube


Nintex Employee
  • Nintex Employee
  • 2456 replies
  • September 13, 2023

Hi @mtburgess ,

If you make Location a lookup column instead of a text column does that resolve the issue?




i am having the same issue as above, whereby my values gets lost while in display or edit mode. has there been a fix for this please.



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