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K2 4.6.1 (4.12060.1500.0) High Priority Fixes

  • February 16, 2021
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Nintex Employee
  • Nintex Employee
  • 13 replies

K2 4.6.1 (4.12060.1500.0) High Priority Fixes


K2 blackpearl 4.6
K2 blackpearl 4.6
This article has been archived, and/or refers to legacy products, components or features. The content in this article is offered "as is" and will no longer be updated. Archived content is provided for reference purposes only. This content does not infer that the product, component or feature is supported, or that the product, component or feature will continue to function as described herein.


Issues Resolved:

K2 Server

  • When using a SmartObject as a role item within a K2 Role an exception stating “An unexpected error has occurred while trying to resolve a value for Resolver ID D84B95DF-0BAE-412d-A7F1-27286E47108A” is thrown.
  • When a process instance is saved, it calls the stored procedures to save data/XML fields for each field that exists whether it has changed or not. This causes an increase in SQL server loading.

K2 Designers and Wizards

  • An object reference error occurs when creating a many to many SmartObject association and finishing the wizard.
  • When creating more than one SharePoint Group per Event and using data fields to add the group names in the SharePoint User Management Event, only one data field will be updated.
  • When the "From Record" option was selected in a SharePoint Records Management Event and the Record Library field is left empty no error was received at runtime and the required action such as delete record is not executed. An error message should prevent the user from leaving the Record library field empty.
  • A custom Client Event Notification deployed from K2 Studio or K2 Designer for Visual Studio does not display the Worklist Item as a link in the e-mail.
  • When cancelling the InfoPath Client event on the last page of the wizard an error occurs.
  • An Object Reference error occurs when deploying an InfoPath Integrated process where the InfoPath form has a filter on a dropdown list field part.
  • When assigning a SharePoint Sub Site URL and using a Content Type from a Parent site during the SharePoint Workflow Integration configuration, an exception error occurs  stating "Server was unable to process request.  An Object reference not set to an instance of an object".
  • The Process Helper in K2Studio does not return the correct lists and libraries for a process designed using the SharePoint template.
  • When an Environment Library variable was referenced in a wizard within K2 Studio and then later removed, the wizard still tried to reference that specific Environment Library variable.  Deployment then failed indicating that the Environment Library variable does not exist.
  • When designing an InfoPath Integrated process in K2 Studio using the Development URL during the design of the process and then changing the URL to Production in the Object Browser for deployment, the InfoPath form  opens with the Development URL when opening a worklist item.
  • The option to save content values to an Activity XML field has been removed from the SharePoint Publishing Wizard - Get Page Content section.  The Process XML field will still be available to save the content value to.
  • Paging does not function correctly at runtime when the Forms Generation wizard has been configured to create a client page. The pages after the first page remain blank and no data is displayed.
  • Process level escalation was not part of the "Update Design Template" function and caused the process compile function to fail.
  • The Outcomes shortcut displayed in the ribbon of K2Studio when selecting an Activity when it should only be display when selecting an Event.
  • Creating a SharePoint Workflow Integration Process wizard with the 'A SharePoint List or Document Library' action and then editing the wizard to change the action to 'A SharePoint Publishing Library', causes an "unknown error".
  • When configuring a SharePoint Records Management event in a K2 Designer with the "Create a Record" option in Advanced Mode and an invalid records center URL is used, the design time values screen does not appear.
  • When creating a K2 Studio project that has more than one process, opening each one, and then closing the project results in each designer spawned per process not being disposed.
  • When converting a REST service to a UDCX file a Value cannot be null error is received when designing an InfoPath form from the K2 InfoPath Integration Wizard.
  • Using an XML field in the Forms Generation wizard results in the field not functioning correctly at runtime. Secondly, the XML value keeps saving back to the XML field which is incorrect.
  • When using the SharePoint User Management Event wizard, to create a SharePoint group, one needs to enter the Owner of the group field. This behaves differently than all other event wizards that make use of user ID's, in that, the K2 label needs to be removed from the entry or the group creation fails with a message it can’t be recognized.
  • When selecting to change an activity icon in a K2 Designer and then the change is undone an error occurs stating "Inner Exception: Root Element is missing".
  • When selecting the "Multiple Items" option for attachments in the E-mail Event wizard without supplying a value, an error stating "Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index" occurs in the K2 Designer for Visual Studio.
  • In K2 Studio the SharePoint Publishing Wizard can be completed without specifying the page extension on the "Check in a Page" option.
  • While configuring a Records Management event in a K2 Designer to create a record from a SharePoint Document, supplying a SharePoint URL that does not exist requires design time values. When a valid URL is then supplied a validation explanation displays stating "Item is already contained in another Persistable Object" which is incorrect.
  • An error stating "Object Reference not set to an instance of an Object" occurs in a K2 Designer when attempting to run a Records Management event in Advance Mode after the first configuration of the event has been completed.  This will occur when editing the event through the event properties and then selecting Advanced Mode.
  • Browsing and deleting a folder from a Document Library containing multiple folders using the Records Management event results in the incorrect folder being deleted.
  • When naming a new K2 Studio project, the name remains K2project1.
  • Removed the option to type text in the SharePoint Group field within a SharePoint User Management event in the K2 Designers.
  • An error stating "An exception occurred Exception: Index was outside the bounds of the array" occurs when adding an empty data field to the SharePoint URL field in the SharePoint Sites and Workspaces event.
  • An error occurs stating "An exception occurred. Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object" when copied text is pasted into the "Save list name to" field in a SharePoint Lists and Libraries event.
  • Unable to deploy a process from K2 Designers if an outcome line is going back into the same activity. An error occurs stating "The line '{linename}' needs to be connected to an activity".
  • In a Multi Domain environment with a large Active Directory structure, only SharePoint Groups are displayed in the K2 Designers Object Browser>Users and Groups.
  • When using a Data Event to capture the display name from the "Display Name" context field under Activity destination instance, a blank value is returned in runtime.
  • An exception error occurs when using a repeating Process XML field in the SharePoint User Management event to remove users and groups.
  • An exception error occurs in K2 Designers when using a SmartObject List method in the SharePoint User Management event to remove users and groups.
  • A K2 process containing a Document Event with the update document option causes an error at runtime.  The error states "Server was unable to process request. ---> An error occurred while parsing EntityName. Line 1, position 274".
  • When adding grouping on a SmartObject filter an Object reference error occurs if you edit a GetList data part that has two groups of filters and then try to group the two groups together.
  • Upgrading to newer K2 versions cause the InfoPath Client Event notification e-mail body to clear.
  • When using a Forms Generation Client Event in a process and creating a deployment package of the process the required Virtual Directory is not automatically created on the Workspace machine after moving the deployment package to the Workspace Machine within a distributed environment.
  • Making use of a SharePoint SmartObject control of type Hyperlink within a Forms Generation Client Event causes an aspx/HTML syntax error at execution of that Client Event.
  • An error occurs stating "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" in K2 Designer for SharePoint when configuring a Document Event to update a document with no document in the process.
  • When reusing a saved inline function within K2 Designer for SharePoint, the loading screen was incorrectly displayed.
  • When removing all process rights from the K2 Designer for SharePoint Process Rights settings these rights will still display when accessing the Process Rights settings again.
  • Expressions used in a User Task Outcome Context Statement within K2 Designer for SharePoint does not save correctly.
  • When selecting a process for reuse from K2 Designer for SharePoint and then cancelling causes the design canvas to open the previously selected process when trying to create a new process.
  • If a date field is used in a K2 Designer for SharePoint outcome rule as the left assignment, the right assignment is populated with a date by default and cannot be edited.
  • Unable to use a SharePoint Column as a document name in a Word Document event within K2 Designers.  This causes an error at runtime stating "Server was unable to process request. ---> There is no file with URL ' Documents/XX/Name.docx' in this Web."
  • The E-mail Event in K2 Designer for SharePoint does not have a CC or BCC field available as other K2 Designers.
  • In K2 Designer for SharePoint the Exchange Event allowed a task to be submitted with the due date smaller than the start date.
  • In K2 Designer for SharePoint the Exchange Event allowed a meeting request to be submitted with the due date smaller than the start date.

 SharePoint Integration and InfoPath Integration

  • After upgrading to K2 4.6 the My Processes web part fails to return any information.
  • In certain scenarios when SmartObjects are selected on the Configure SmartObject Access page in SharePoint to be accessed and used within the K2 Designer for SharePoint the visible check boxes are not selected and result in runtime errors.
  • When opening a worklist item from either Workspace or a notification e-mail an error occurs stating “The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized “.  This error occurs when using InfoPath Form Services.
  • When starting a SharePoint Workflow Integrated process by adding a document to a SharePoint Library an error stating "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" is visible in the Event Viewer.
  • When selecting the update action from an InfoPath Integrated task list, the InfoPath form cannot be opened again to complete a second action from the K2 worklist.
  • The InfoPath web service times out when using a SmartObject method in the InfoPath form with K2 InfoPath Integration.
  • When adding comments to worklist items from a K2 Designer for SharePoint process, these comments are not saved in a chronological sequence.  This occurs with rework or resubmit actions on the worklist item.
  • Comments added when starting a K2 SharePoint Integrated process and then used in an HTML e-mail body reflected XML characters instead of spaces.
  • When deploying a K2 SharePoint Workflow Integrated process, using Generated Pages, to a "Parent" site, the workflow is deployed to the "Extended" site instead if both sites are present.
  • If a user with no start rights starts a SharePoint Integrated process by adding a list item in a SharePoint Custom list, start rights will be provided to that user after starting the process instance.
  • When assigning rights to the "Everyone" group for a K2 Designer for SharePoint process through Workspace and then try to access these rights through K2 Designer for SharePoint, an error occurs stating "System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array" .
  • The K2 WebPart Task List in SharePoint fails to refresh if both a custom control and Worklist WebPart exist on the same page.
  • When saving a K2 Designer for SharePoint process from a Forms Library as a K2 Studio design file, the InfoPath form was not added to the self-extracting zip file.
  • Unable to create a SharePoint SmartObject from a Data Connection library template in SharePoint>K2 Site Settings.
  • When adding a Task Action field in an InfoPath form within a section, it creates the Task Action outside the section from a K2 Designer for SharePoint process.

 K2 Workspace and Process Portals

  • Deleting rights assigned to any Active Directory or SharePoint group from Workspace>Management Console>SmartObjects>Admin fails. The Failure is visible in K2Studio.  The Environment from the Context Browser stays in a connecting state. This is then followed by an error stating “K2Studio has encountered an application failure and will now close”.
  • Deadlocks occur on the K2 Server when setting a Role interval to less than 1.
  • Unable to add a RoleItem using a K2SmartObject in Workspace Management Role.  The following error occurs: "Index was outside the bounds of the array".
  • In Workspace when you open the exception date or special date calendar and you click on a different tab then that tab opens but the calendar is still visible.
  • K2 Process Portal loading is slow.
  • Changing the master page for the process portal site causes an error stating  "The base type ’SourceCode.SharePoint.ApplicationPages.ProcessManagementDefaultPage’ is not allowed for this page. The type is not registered as safe" on the Process Management interface.
  • When redirecting a worklist item from Workspace>Management console>Management Worklist the notification e-mail was not sent to the redirected user.
  • When delegating a K2 Worklist item from Process Portal, the user delegating the item is displayed in the delegation list which is incorrect.
  • Assigning group rights for the 'Everyone' group to a K2 Process from Process Portal caused an error in K2 Designer for SharePoint when trying to access the Process Rights settings.  This was due to the K2 Label and Domain being added to the group name in Process Portal which caused this group to be invalid.
  • A non-English process name cannot be displayed in K2 Process Portal.
  • Unable to add a new Environment Field within Process Portal>Administration>Environment.
  • Incorrect navigation and page refresh method causing an error stating "Unexpected Error" when editing an Error Profile from Process Portal>Administration>Error Profiles.
  • Unable to perform a GoTo from Workspace>Management Console for K2 Designer for SharePoint processes.
  • If a user had a tilde or pipe in their display name, the username cannot be resolved when searching for forwarded and exception users when configuring Out of Office in MOSS2007 from the K2 Worklist Webpart.

K2 SmartObjects

  • After upgrading K2, the ServiceObject SharePoint Service V2 no longer shows the title column on a SharePoint SmartObject created from a Forms library.
  • A nested SmartObject call incorrectly returns an array object when calling the load method.


  • In K2 4.6 the port property in the SmartObjectClientServer.Connection object was not set and left as zero resulting in issues with connections and breaking of existing code that uses the property.
  • Using the API to only return SharePoint Groups within a Custom Wizard in K2 Designer for SharePoint, returns all groups and users.


  • During installation the Cross Domain Data check failed on the Configuration Analysis.
  • When doing a clean installation, the installer adds the IdentityService cache configuration settings to the k2hostserver.config file.
  • In K2 4.6 the database creation failed to create the K2 database on a dedicated SQL server logging an error message “15002 an exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch”.
  • When upgrading from K2 4.5 to K2 4.6 the Column ConfigurationDate in the HostServer.EnvironmentSetup table is changed from NVARCHAR to DATETIME.


  • SmartActions samples provided in the documentation do not work correctly in runtime.
  • When a user name contains an apostrophe and the user is set to Out of Office, the forwarded user does not receive any worklist items.
  • When removing an Active Directory group from the Database, process rights does not get removed for this group.
  • When more than one event is used in an activity, the order is displayed incorrectly in K2 Viewflow.
  • Customizations in the code-behind of generated ASP.NET pages do not get reflected after the first deployment.


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