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I have older workflows which have submission and task forms built in the Responsive Designer.

Some of these forms have multi-choice checkboxes with approx. 40 options, and I have formatted these controls using the setting Column Number = 4, Alignment = fixed, giving me 4 columns of 10 options, which is the best configuration for this number of options on desktop.

However, I have realized that this does not work on mobile, because the columns do not wrap, and so on a phone I see the 1st column of options + part of the 2nd column of options (which hang off the edge of the form), and then I have to scroll to the right to access the remaining columns. This is not good, because these forms are used in an approval workflows, so I can't risk approvers signing off on forms when some of the options they're signing off on are off-screen and could be missed. 

I understand that the issue is that my column alignment is set to "Fixed", and I'm wondering if somehow setting it to "Floating" could help, but doing so doesn't appear to have any affect and I can't find any documentation about this setting.

Can anyone provide details around what the "Floating" setting is intended for, or if there's another way to address this problem?

@rthomson Is this using the Mobile app or using the browser in the mobile where you are seeing the issue?

@leighburke this is in Chrome on Android, on a site with the Mobile Browser View in the Site Settings deactivated (I've done extensive mobile testing with Nintex Support in the past and we've found this to be the best setup).

@rthomson Did you test out the Mobile app as well, or is there a requirement where the app won't work. Can you confirm where you are setting this floating column setting?

I did not test the mobile app: the results from testing I've run previously on different mobile operating systems and different versions of those operating systems were better when the app wasn't used - and those results were really good, so even if floating columns worked (and do what I think they're supposed to do) using the mobile app, I wouldn't want to switch just to make that gain.

@rthomson Can you confirm which setting you are changing in responsive forms for this floating column you mentioned?

It's called "Column alignment", in the Controls Settings for a Choice control.

@rthomson I have followed this up for you and looks like it won't do what your looking for. We have updated the description on the help(



@leighburke Thanks for following up and updating the Help, but I'm afraid I'm still not clear what the Floating option could be used for? Would you be able to give me an example?
