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Can i assign a task to a group email and if yes which ones


Hi All,

I would just like to verify what sort of emails can we assign task to when using the assign task actions in a workflows


- a user email?
- a group email (shared inbox email address)?

- sharepoint group?

Currently i'm trying to assign the task to a a group email (shared inbox email address) which i think is an AD one but it doesn't send the email.
If i use sharepoint group will it send the email individually to all the members in that group?


Also will when you are sending email or assigning task does this accounts needs to be resolved so for example f i put joe black it will resolve but if i put just  

it will accept it with no error but does not resolve it to a user or group and then the workflow will just suspend.


Will appreciate if anyone here can give me a full insight on this




Any thoughts? Any one from Nintex?

  • Nintex Employee
  • June 16, 2020

Hi @naijacoder,


For the assign the task the email needs to exist in the o365 active directory(, this will not work with shared email boxes. If you are looking to assign to a group I recommend using a SharePoint Group and the start a task process(, which allows you to send individual tasks to members of a group.




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