When Foxtrot attempts to run, the startup errors with the following message:

Error 15: The Foxtrot license is missing.This client is currently configured for the following server: '\MACHINENAMEFoxtrot Suite'If you need access to this application, please contact your Administrator.

Option 1 (Recommended)
- Upgrade the license server to the latest version of Foxtrot or uninstall/reinstall and this should generate both license files
Option 2
- Check to make sure the user has read, write and modify permissions in the “Users” group of both of these folders:
C:\Program Files\ (x86)\Foxtrot Suite
C:\ProgramData\Foxtrot Suite
Right click on the Foxtrot Suite folder and choose the security tab, then look at the “Users” group. - Open the Foxtrot Suite folder within the Virtual Store. It will be located at: C:\Users\User Name\App Data\Local\Virtual Store\Program Files\(x86)\
- Copy both FTSuite.lf and RPA2.lf files. (These are the license files)
- Navigate to the install folder. By default, it is C:\Program Files\(X86)\Foxtrot Suite and paste the two license files (FTSuite.lf and RPA2.lf) in that folder.
* You will receive a message that the files already exist, you can safely overwrite the old files. - Navigate back to the Foxtrot Suite folder in the Virtual Store and delete the folder.
- You should now be able to open Foxtrot RPA.