Known Issue: Value cannot be null Error Upgrading to K2 Five (5.1)
When upgrading to K2 Five (5.1) the following error is displayed in the K2 installer trace Logs:
AuthorizationBase.Execute:Logged Error: Failed: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.Parameter name: name
In the [Category].[System] table, there are rows for custom category systems that have no names. When upgrading to K2 Five (5.1), these unnamed rows cause the AuthorizationBase.Execute: Logged Error: Failed: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.Parameter name: name error to occur.
Before Upgrading
Run this script prior to upgrading to K2 Five (5.1) to ensure this error doesn't occur during upgrade.
The unnamed rows are returned:

To resolve the unnamed rows in your database, run the following script:
UPDATE [Category].[System] SET
[Name] = N'Unnamed Category System (ID ' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX), [Id]) + N')'
WHERE [Name] = N'';
The unnamed rows are updated.

With the unnamed rows fixed you can upgrade to K2 Five (5.1).