Add a Contact Selection dropdown on the DocGen run page for Custom Objects
Additional Information
- The dropdown selection shows on standard objects by default, as it has a standard Account field
- The Contact selection list populates from the specified Account
- The Contact selection does not Support the Related Contacts / AccountContactRelation
- The parameter for an Account is: &accountid={!SF_merge_field}
- Additionally, you can pass a Contact id in the button to specify any contact.
- The parameter for a Contact is: &contactid={!SF_merge_field}
Create a Custom Button:
Button Field Reference:
1. Navigate to the Custom Object
2. Select Buttons, Links, and Actions
3. Create the base button. /apex/loop__looplus?eid={!}
4. Add the &accountid= or &contactid= with the desired merge fields.
5. Save and add button to the Page Layout.
Expected result: