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Product: Kryon RPA
Product Version: All
Components: Kryon Studio; Kryon Application Server
Article Contributors: Darren Cheng
This article will provide instructions on how to increase the number of wizard versions from its default value of 10.
Prerequisites: Installation of Kryon RPA Application Server.

By default, the maximum number of versions a wizard can retain is 10 versions. If you wish to customize this limit, follow the steps below.
  1. Log into the machine hosting your Kryon Application Server.
  2. Edit the appSettings.config file located under <installation path>Kryon Studio Server 64bitMainServiceConfig (For example, C:KryonRPAKryon Studio Server 64bitMainServiceConfigappSettings.config).
  3. Add the following line: <add key="MaxCheckOutHistoryRecords" value="100" /> where 100 represents the maximum number of wizards versions Studio should retain. You can change this number as you wish.
  4. Save and close the file.
  5. Close Kryon Studio if open.
  6. Restart all Kryon application server services.
  7. Relaunch Kryon Studio.
Note: Try to find a good balance between retaining as many versions as you need, but not so many as to unnecessarily consume large amounts of space in your Kryon database.


Note: If your limit is too small and you exceed it whilst saving a new version, the oldest version in the version history will be purged.
Example of increased version history limit - there are 14 versions under this wizard.


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