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How to setup MASS via Reports for use with DocuSign.



  1. Create a look-up to the contact on the records you are running from. You may also need to create a field to bring in the Contact Id for the Salesforce report.
  2. Navigate to the DDP you will be using and create a DocuSign delivery option.
  3. Create your first recipient and set the Specified Recipient type to 'User Selected Contact'.
  4. Create a report containing the record Id for the object you are running from in the first column. In the second column, place the Contact Id.
  5. Add any filter logic needed to populate the correct recipients. You do not need to pull in additional fields - you will use Relationships and field tags to bring in other data from the record.
  6. Go to the DDP Admin tab > Click DDP Deployment Wizard > Select the object you are running from as the DDP Starting Object > Select Mass DDP via Report Tab > Select the contact look-up field in the Contact field > Save button. This will take you to the Tab wizard. Make any desired changes or just click through.
  7. Test the DDP. Go to the Tab you created, select the report folder the report is saved in, select the report containing the record Id and contact Id and run the DDP.


Additional Information

 Uncheck "Allow Subject and Email Changes" on the DocuSign delivery option.


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