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Using Run Component Action" to switch to Edit mode.."


(Using Skuid 11.2.5)

We have a bunch of Field Editors on a page, and we have buttons to move them in and out of Edit mode (using a Global Action Sequence, but this is irrelevant) that fires a bunch of “Run Component Actions”. I have two sequences that specifically move them between edit and read, because using Toggle 1) didn’t solve this problem and 2) seemed to introduce other problems!

So on each action we have a sequence of these on each field editor:

“Run Component Action” > “Change Edit/Read Mode” > “Edit Mode”

and subsequently on action sequence 2:

“Run Component Action” > “Change Edit/Read Mode” > “Read Mode”

Now, these “work” - but they only work if the table’s original mode was “Read with Inline-Edit” - and when you run the action to put them back into “Read Mode” - it puts them back in to “Read with Inline-Edit”.

ie. If we make the field editor “Read Mode” on the page - the Component Action cannot switch it into Edit mode (it simply doesn’t change).

Has anyone else experienced this? Or think it’s a bit weird. I really don’t want inline edit mode on the editors, we want the user to make a conscious decision to switch to edit mode (as we do other stuff then too). 

I want to go:

Read -> Edit - > Read (and so on) 


Read with Inline Edit -> Edit -> Read with inline Edit

Is that just the way it works? So am I going to have to replace the actions sequences with a bunch of Javascript?! (again?!)


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7 replies


This is fixed in 11.2.9 in CORE-2055

Thank you for bringing it to us. If it doesn’t work past 11.2.9, please let us know.


  • Author
  • 18 replies
  • July 11, 2024

Ok, excellent, thank you! I will have a word with the technical lead and see if/when a Skuid update is scheduled (and I’ll also let you know if this doesn’t resolve it 😉 )



Hi Stephen,

We seems like still having the same issue.

Using SKUID 11.2.11

I got one action sequence running when page load to make field editor 1 to be readonly.

When the field editor 1 model is saved, the field editor 1 switched to Read with inline Edit mode instead of stay in Read mode.

Could you help regarding this?



  • 326 replies
  • July 11, 2024

I am running 12.2.9 and this is still an issue.

I am unable to toggle between Edit/Read with a component action if the field editor default mode is set to “Read”, nothing happens. The field editor default mode must be set to “Read with In-Line Edit” (Read with In-Line Edit –> Edit –> Read with In-Line Edit)

However, if my field editor default mode is set to “Edit” I can toggle between Edit/Read (Edit–>Read–>Edit).

Is there a time line when this will be fixed?


  • Nintex Employee
  • 3763 replies
  • July 11, 2024

I actually just ran into this and was talking to our Product Designer.  This was an intentional decision when the toggle actions were built.  But we are exploring changing it so a form or table could be put in Read Only mode - and then toggled into Edit mode - and back.   Stay tuned. 



Hi @Rob_Hatch , Is there a way to put the tabset to Read only mode ?


  • Nintex Employee
  • 3763 replies
  • July 11, 2024

No - the mode (read only -v- edit) is set at the component level. you can’t declare that all components in a tab should be read only.

Also - there is not a way to make a tab “inactive” so users cannot activate it. We do have 'conditional rendering" on the tab - so you could hide the tab entirely, or you could hide the tabs contents, but if the tab is present - a user will e able to click on it.


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