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I am trying to build a functionality where users can specify which type of file they are going to upload and save that information in a custom Content Version field.

I am using a Tab Set with the different types of file and sending the information to a Page Include component.

My question would be how to assign this value to the record created in the new page using the File Upload component. I cannot see how to query the new record on the On-Upload Success Actions property.

Many thanks!

Read through the comments on this post and see if it helps:


Many thanks for your reply.

I finally followed a different approach which worked exactly as I needed:
Instead of having a Page Include component, I have a File Upload in every tab. In the On-Upload Actions of the File Upload component I update the ContentVersion record with the appropriate document type.


Hey Jesus - how did you update the ContentVersion record with the appropriate document type? I can’t figure it out

Hello Griffin,

I save the changes in the ContentDocument record and then update the related ContentVersion (which contains the document type custom field):

I hope that helps.

