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This question has to do with how to view the new Notes object in Skuid. For some reason the ContentVersion.TextPreview field is not recognized by skuid in the composer.

!( 1 inline.png “Image https//d2r1vs3d9006apcloudfrontnet/s3_images/1398078/RackMultipart20160412-72251-14kfz7o-unnamed__1__inlinepng1460483724”)

As a workaround what I have had to do is use the VersionData(Base64) field to get at the information but then I had to decode using custom javascript.

This field is not visible because it’s only available starting in Salesforce API version 35 — it will be visible in Skuid in the next point release of Skuid, when fields in API 35 and 36 will be available to use in Skuid.

thanks Zach…any rough idea of when that will be?

Within the month.


You should now be able to see and add the TextPreview field from the composer.


Thanks…what release is this now available in?


It’s available as of the Rockaway release 

