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Can I get some suggestions on how I can troubleshoot an issue I am having with conditional rendering of components? It’s not behaving as expected and I cannot determine why and I am so ready to be past this issue.

I have two wrapper components that conditionally render based on:

User ID matches (or doesn’t match)


User.Custom_Field__c = One of multiple listed values (or doesn’t equal)

The logic is such the page is supposed to show only one wrapper component.

It working great for most users! But I have one user where Skuid is displaying both wrapper components. The user only matches the criteria of one of the components.

I have verified that model that pulls in the Custom_Field__c is populated correctly (by dropping a basic table on the page).

Thanks for any thoughts!

Wrapper 1 Conditions

<renderconditions logictype="or"> <rendercondition type="multiple" operator="in" fieldmodel="RunningUser" sourcetype="fieldvalue" nosourcerowbehavior="skipandnorender" field="Custom_Field__c" fieldtargetobjects="User" value="" enclosevalueinquotes="true"> <values> <value>Value 1</value> <value>Value 2</value> <value>Value 3</value> </values> </rendercondition> <rendercondition type="multiple" operator="in" fieldmodel="VDOO_RunningUser" sourcetype="userinfo" nosourcerowbehavior="deactivate" sourceuserinfotype="userid" value="" enclosevalueinquotes="true"> <values> <value>00550000003mHUQAA2</value> <value>005500000074EqgAAE</value> </values> </rendercondition> </renderconditions>

Wrapper 2 Conditions

<renderconditions logictype="or">
<rendercondition type="multiple" operator="not in" fieldmodel="RunningUser" sourcetype="fieldvalue" nosourcerowbehavior="skipandnorender" field="Custom_Field__c" fieldtargetobjects="User" value="" enclosevalueinquotes="true">
<value>Value 1</value>
<value>Value 2</value>
<value>Value 3</value>
<rendercondition type="multiple" operator="not in" fieldmodel="RunningUser" sourcetype="userinfo" nosourcerowbehavior="deactivate" sourceuserinfotype="userid" value="" enclosevalueinquotes="true">

What are the values for this user? The user id and the custom field. I think you want the first wrapper to use an OR condition and the second to use and AND (i.e. ALL).

IN custom OR IN userid vs
NOT IN custom AND NOT IN userid

That was it! I suspected it was something very simple. Thanks Mike.