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The record couldn’t be saved bese it failed to trigger a flow. A flow trigger faild to execute the f


The record couldn’t be saved because it failed to trigger a flow. A flow trigger failed to execute the flow with version ID 3015800000058CB. Flow error messages: This interview has been terminated as another interview in the same bulk execution request failed with the following error: An unhandled fault has occurred in this flowAn unhandled fault has occurred while processing the flow. Please contact your system administrator for more information. Contact your administrator for he

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Please help soon87b4a508fc8ec99bc5056aef47bc50ce5dd75421.jpg



This is a Salesforce generated error.  The admin that created the Process Builder (flow) should have received an error email from Salesforce, and it might contain a hint as to why your flow failed.  Process Builder error messages are the worst at helping you find the problem…



so i have to check process builder?



but  a few minutes ago everything was alright



suddenly this is happening



Yes.  Whatever action you did in Skuid (probably a save) is triggering a Process Builder flow.  That flow failed to complete for some reason, and the Process Builder is throwing this error.  I find the on-screen error that you are seeing to be completely worthless in solving the problem.  The emails that get sent (to the author of the process builder that failed) are more helpful.

Typically Process Builder flows fail if an input field is null that shouldn’t be, or the wrong data type is attempting to be written to another field… stuff like that.  Usually the email error message will at least say what field is the problem.



what should i do now?



i cant understand before some time it was fine



Everything is working fine but this message is annoying



Hi Chandra thank you. i deactivate the process builder . and its stops showing message. what have to do if i want to active the process builder and dont want to show error message



There is something wrong in the process builder that you need to correct.  I find it most helpful to use the email that the author of the process builder gets as a result of this error… the email subject looks like this: “Error Occurred During Flow “Your Flow Name”: The flow failed to access the…”

At the very bottom of this email, there is usually an Error.  In an example one we had, our process builder was creating a chatter post to a user referenced on the record.  When the flow was triggered (during record save), the referenced user was NULL, so the chatter failed which caused the flow to fail.  The error message in the email helped us figure that out.


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