Is there an easy way to set up a grunt task so that I can push specific pages back to the server?
I’d like to do something like this:
grunt.initConfig({ 'skuid-push':{ 'options': orgOptions,<br> 'production':{<br> 'files':{<br> src: ['skuidpages/Optimize*', 'skuidpages/Cleanup*']<br> }<br> }<br> 'specific':{<br> 'files':{<br> src: ['skuidpages/'<b> + n</b>]<br> }<br> }<br> } });
grunt.registerTask('push-specific-page', ['skuid-push:specific']);
And then run something like this in the console:
grunt skuid-push:specific("Module1_PageName");
But it’s not clear to me if there’s actually a way to do that without hard-coding the page into the gruntfile each time. Any pointers on this?