I’m working on configuring S3 for file storage and have everything working except file upload.
Does someone else have S3 working for file upload that might point me in the right direction?
I receive the error: “Error uploading to S3. Make sure bucket name is correct and CORs is configured for the bucket”
I’m starting off using Skuid’s Access Key authentication method (Because I can’t figure out how to get the AWS: Assume Role with ARN working. Skuid requires “skuid-assumable-role/” in the ARN. I can’t get Amazon to accept the / and I can’t get Skuid to accept it without the /).
The IAM Access Keys have the AmazonS3FullAccess policy. I’m trying to get it working with the least restrictive security and then will start to lock it down after it is working.
The Access Key security model works for everything, including upload, using an app like S3 Browser, but when I use the upload component in Skuid, I get the error above. I’ve researched configure CORs on the bucket, but I can’t find any examples of what settings Skuid is looking for.
Any guidance for me?