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Is there a way to render a text field from another object as editable?

I’ve tried the following and it does not work.

var field=argumentst0], value=argumentst1]; skuid.ui.fieldRenderers.TEXTXfield.mode](field, value);<br>


I’m not sure I am totally following what you are trying to accomplish. Are you trying to bring in the value from another model as a new value on the table row and when edited, saves on the model associated with the table? If not, when that record gets saved, what are you hoping to have happen? The new value gets saved on the model not associated with that table but on the other record? 


Yes, I am trying to bring in a value from a related model as a value on the table I am viewing, and when edited, saves on the related model.

I’ve done this but not in my client’s org. It is possible but requires some hackery and a custom field renderer. It was for a GBC client a while back. Maybe they wouldn’t mind sharing if they still have it.


That would be awesome if you could share 🙂


Don’t have access to that org anymore. Greg might.


Is this what you are trying to do? If so, help to vote it up so our devs know how important of an issue this is without the hackery and custom field rendering that Pat described having had to use above.

