I am trying to make a page that does two things, One take order Id passed from the URL (working) user it to create a new record on a different object (service), Then that new service.id and create and new serviceProduct record based off of a order Item (orderItem) that is listed below by a row action. Connecting things like the OrderItem.id the Service.id etc…
But I can not pass the service.id variable into any Component that is set to the model orderItem.
What am I doing wrong?
I have tried to use the {{Service.id}} and {{$Model.Service.data.0.Id}} both enter nothing into the new serviceproduct record.
Once the page loads the user should enter any info for the service and click Save & Next, then go down to the Table and click the row action button on any one of the rows to create a new row.
F OrderItem Service ServiceProduct