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Dependent picklist value is not picking picklist value according to controlling picklist. It was working fine in older version but failing in Millau skuid version.

Skuid version 11.0

I came here to post exactly this–it’s not working for me after upgrade either. Appears to be a regression from an issue that was fixed a while back…

Hey Sumit & Dan

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I will bring this to the devs and they’ll look into it.


We are working to address this as soon as possible in an upcoming Millau patch release — thanks for your patience.

Thanks Zach!

Hi Zach,

Thanks Zach for taking this.

And for your kind information, I have also tried some workaround given by skuid, after Skuid Brooklyn Update 1 (9.5). And it’s failing too.

please find below the link and given code.

Link : /** * This overrides the Skuid Field constructor to address SKUID-3027. It is a workaround targeted
* at Skuid Brooklyn Update 1 (9.5), and it is not intended to be used with any other
* version of Skuid. It is provided as is, without support, and should be removed once a version
* of Skuid containing a fix has been installed.
* To implement this workaround, add this code to a Static Resource and include that resource
* as a JavaScript Resource on any page affected.
var s=skuid.$,v=skuid.utils,A='DATETIME';
function g(a,b,c,d){var e,f,g=this;if(g._GUID=v.generateGUID(),g.row=a,g.model=b,g.editor=c,g.options=d||{},g.subComponents=s],,,g.context=d.fieldContext,g.messages=s],;&amp;(g.metadata=g.model.getField(,g.context)),e=g.metadata,g.options.labelText?g.label=g.options.labelText:g.options.label?g.label=g.options.label:e&amp;&amp;(g.label=e.label),g.options.required||e&amp;&amp;e.required?g.required=!0:g.required=!1,g.mode=d.mode||"read",g.element=s("<div>").addClass("nx-field").attr("data-uid",g._GUID),d.additionalClass&amp;&amp;g.element.addClass(d.additionalClass),"object",g),g.editable=(!e||b.isRowNew(a)&amp;&amp;e.createable||e.editable)&amp;&amp;g.options.editable!==!1&amp;&amp;"readonly"!==g.mode,g.loading=d.loading,g.options.register&amp;&amp;g.model.registerField(g),f=d.controllingFields,e&amp;&amp;s.inArray(e.displaytype,e"PICKLIST","MULTIPICKLIST","COMBOBOX"])!==-1){var h=e.controllingField,i=g.model.getField("RecordTypeId");f||(d.controllingFields=f=f]),i&amp;&amp;f.push(,h&amp;&amp;f.push(h)}f&amp;&amp;f.length&amp;&amp;s.each(f,function(){var a=this;a.indexOf(".")!==-1&amp;&amp;(a=a.split(".")"0]),g.model.registerField(g,a)}),e&amp;&amp;e.displaytype===A&amp;&amp;g.subscribeToEvent("ui.timeZoneChanged",function(){g.render()})};s.extend(g.prototype,skuid.ui.Field.prototype);skuid.ui.Field = g;


Sumit, please do not use that code in Skuid Millau — as indicated by the comment, that code was only intended to be used as a hotfix within Skuid Brooklyn Update 1, and should not be used with any other versions of Skuid.

Our team is working to release a hotfix that works for Skuid Millau to fix the dependent picklist issue ASAP.

Hi Zach,

The iframe cannot work on a Lightning page in Skuid Millau version.
Please also fix it in the next hotfix.



I am experiencing this same issue in 10.0.11. Any suggestions?

Upgrading to 11.0.1 fixed this for me.

Hi Dan Boudreau,

we upgraded Skuid version to 11.0.1 but still, the issue gets persist. Could you please update here what steps you followed.


Hi Sumit, if you still have the custom code in your page that you shared earlier, be sure to remove it, and let us know if the issue persists. Also, let us know specifically which fields are involved, if you could. 

we have not added any workaround code.

Regarding field information, we have two custom fields, country (controlling) picklist and location (dependent) multi-select picklist on case object.

we have used these field in one of our skuid page.

here I am attaching screenshots

let me know you need more details

I wonder if this is related to the same issue I was seeing with dependent multi-select pick lists? Can select a single item but throws error when selecting multiple, in SF classic can select multiple. (Skuid Errors above are all fields we’ve deleted from SFDC still on page)

Hello Sumit and all, as Zach had said, our development team is aware of this issue and is working to address it in an upcoming release. We will update this conversation as soon as a fix is available.

Any update on the Dependent Picklist issue?  @kien vu you might consider creating a new thread for the separate issue to keep it front and center with Skuid.  Thanks!

Any ETA on the release.  Big sales meeting this week and just found this bug after upgrading (didn’t notice before upgrade in production).  Thanks!

Hi Michael, would you mind describing the issue as you see it, to help us understand how closely related it is to what’s been discussed on this post?

Hello Skuid Community ~

This has been addressed in the new Millau 11.0.2 release which is now available on the Skuid Releases page.

As a reminder, Salesforce does NOT allow reverting back to prior versions of managed packages. Skuid always recommends installing new versions in a non-business critical sandbox environment to test all mission critical functionality before installing into a production environment. We also recommend that you update out of date themes when you upgrade.

Dependent pick-list functionality is working on Millau 11.0.2 release
