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Hi everyone, 

I have an issue with a Skuid trial. 
Currently I am making a public site on SF with a skuid visual force page. 

As it is built with Skuid I created a profile for the public community licence so anyone who goes to the force url may see the Skuid page. 

Unfortunately the installed apps licence amount on Skuid says 2 available however 1 is being used and I cannot see which user is using it. 

None on the org are assigned and the public user is also not assigned. 

(I have removed the licence from my admin so I know it is definitely not allocated to any of my users).

I am currently swapping the one licence I seem to have available between the admin and the public user (on sites).

Can anyone shed some light? 

Use Skuid to answer your question! 

SFDC does not make it easy to see exactly where your licenses are allocated,  but you can create a skuid model on the UserPackageLicense sObject and see where your licenses are allocated.  Filter the model on the  NamespacePrefix field to “skuid” so you only see users who have a Skuid License. 

And there you go…
