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Nintex Community Menu Bar


We would like to report the CSS issues which we have been facing with Lightning Design theme in Lightning Community Site. The version which we are using now is Millau 11.1.6.

1/The header borders of the table shown in Community Site were cut-acrossed. (Please note that we are using the Lightning Community)

2/ The padding / margin between the textboxes is very close, it seems that there is no space between these textboxes.

Please help to provide us the solution or workaround for this issue.

Thank you.

It’s a possibility that these issues are due to a out of date theme. Have you updated the theme?

If updating out of date themes does not do the trick and you can reproduce this on a new page (that only includes the necessary components and standard salesforce objects and fields), could you please paste the XML here?

Hi everyone,

Thank you for your replies.

@Pat: We have updated the theme. But these issues still occur.

@Luzie: Please find our page xml in below:

Closed Lost







{{Account.BillingState}}{{#Account.BillingState}}{{#Account.BillingCountry}} - {{/Account.BillingCountry}}{{/Account.BillingState}}{{Account.BillingCountry}}






<p>To:  Kien</p>

<p>One example of our potential customer is "Actus" (</p>

<p>Actus has over 40 branch shops in Japan, and hire more than 200 staff.  Now let's assume that 20 of their staff in their major branch shops will be given Partner User Licenses.  In this case, "Actus" is Account, and these 20 staff are Contacts under such Actus.  Consumers visiting Actus will be recorded as Account & Contact (or Person Account) owned by any one of these 20 Partner Community Users.   </p>

<p>What I need here is to show all the Accounts owned by any one of these 20 Partner Community Users under Actus, regardless of who log in the Community.  </p>


Thanks Charlotte. The XML seems to be incomplete, however I could reproduce the issue on one of my pages. I will investigate and let you know as soon as I have more information/workaround.

Hello Skuid Community

This has been addressed in the new Millau 11.2.0 release which is now available on the Skuid Releases page.

As a reminder, Salesforce does NOT allow reverting back to prior versions of managed packages. Skuid always recommends installing new versions in a non-business critical sandbox environment to test all mission critical functionality before installing into a production environment. We also recommend that you update out of date themes when you upgrade.
