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The issue is with having a snippet as well. Removing the snippet removes the issue.

The snippet doesn’t run when the series model doesn’t have any data/points.

I’m glad you solved it before I finished building my test page. You’re the man Pat.

This isn’t solved. Just further clarified. I need to use snippets.

The current problem seems to be a chart associated with an aggregate model. LAST_N_DAYS are working on the filter but NEXT_N_YEARS is not working. If you try and have the next run by the filter set, it’ll constantly be “Applying” but never actually apply. Is that right? What is the snippet doing? I don’t know how to incorporate that

Can you share the XML of the model?

Here you go. You’ll have to add some custom fields and one object. Not too many though.

AllAccountsAgg AllAccountsAggByStatusActive AllAccountsAggByStatusInactive AllAccountsAggByStatusDeclined AllAccountsAggByStatusProspect Dental_Accounts Dental_Accounts_OB Dental_Accounts_CR Dental_Accounts_20 Dental_Accounts_30 Dental_Accounts_40 Dental_Accounts_50 DentalActiveSummary ActiveDentalPatients ActiveDentalProspects models.loaded models.loaded {{FacilityCount}}/{{$}} *100 {{BedCount}}/{{$}} *100 {{FacilityCount}}/{{$}} *100 {{BedCount}}/{{$}} *100 {{FacilityCount}}/{{$}} *100 {{BedCount}}/{{$}} *100 {{FacilityCount}}/{{$}} *100 {{BedCount}}/{{$}} *100 Active Inactive Declined Prospect ROUND({{$}}/{{$}}*100) IF({{{CALENDAR_MONTH}}}=“1”,“Jan”, IF({{{CALENDAR_MONTH}}}=“2”,“Feb”, IF({{{CALENDAR_MONTH}}}=“3”,“Mar”, IF({{{CALENDAR_MONTH}}}=“4”,“Apr”, IF({{{CALENDAR_MONTH}}}=“5”,“May”, IF({{{CALENDAR_MONTH}}}=“6”,“June”, IF({{{CALENDAR_MONTH}}}=“7”,“July”, IF({{{CALENDAR_MONTH}}}=“8”,“Aug”, IF({{{CALENDAR_MONTH}}}=“9”,“Sept”, IF({{{CALENDAR_MONTH}}}=“10”,“Oct”, IF({{{CALENDAR_MONTH}}}=“11”,“Nov”,“Dec”))))))))))) +“-”+{{{DAY_IN_MONTH}}}+“-”+{{{CALENDAR_YEAR}}} {{{CALENDAR_YEAR}}}+ IF(LEN({{{CALENDAR_MONTH}}})=1,“0”+{{{CALENDAR_MONTH}}},{{{CALENDAR_MONTH}}})+ IF(LEN({{{DAY_IN_MONTH}}})=1,“0”+{{{DAY_IN_MONTH}}},{{{DAY_IN_MONTH}}}) IF({{{CALENDAR_MONTH}}}=“1”,“Jan”, IF({{{CALENDAR_MONTH}}}=“2”,“Feb”, IF({{{CALENDAR_MONTH}}}=“3”,“Mar”, IF({{{CALENDAR_MONTH}}}=“4”,“Apr”, IF({{{CALENDAR_MONTH}}}=“5”,“May”, IF({{{CALENDAR_MONTH}}}=“6”,“June”, IF({{{CALENDAR_MONTH}}}=“7”,“July”, IF({{{CALENDAR_MONTH}}}=“8”,“Aug”, IF({{{CALENDAR_MONTH}}}=“9”,“Sept”, IF({{{CALENDAR_MONTH}}}=“10”,“Oct”, IF({{{CALENDAR_MONTH}}}=“11”,“Nov”,“Dec”))))))))))) +“-”+{{{DAY_IN_MONTH}}}+“-”+{{{CALENDAR_YEAR}}} {{{CALENDAR_YEAR}}}+ IF(LEN({{{CALENDAR_MONTH}}})=1,“0”+{{{CALENDAR_MONTH}}},{{{CALENDAR_MONTH}}})+ IF(LEN({{{DAY_IN_MONTH}}})=1,“0”+{{{DAY_IN_MONTH}}},{{{DAY_IN_MONTH}}}) <action type=“redirect” window=“blank” url=“”/>; &lt;p style=“text-align: center;”&gt;&lt;strong&gt;&lt;span style=“font-size:48px;”&gt;Facilities&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p style=“text-align: center;”&gt;&lt;span style=“font-size:22px;”&gt;&lt;span style=“color:#e6ebed;”&gt;Total Facilities&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p style=“text-align: center;”&gt;&lt;span style=“font-size:36px;”&gt;&lt;span style=“color:#ffffff;”&gt;{{FacilityCount}}&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/span&amp

Emailed Chris Jackson the XML since it seems this didn’t work.

I got it from him this morning. It doesn’t look like the same as in your video. I have a few questions for you:

Can your reproduce this using standard objects and fields and without snippets?

What version are you on? When I go to rebuild your page, I see different options than you do.

How does your “No Data” work? I don’t see that anywhere in the XML I have been given.

This is the XML I am currently working on:

&lt;p style=“text-align: center;”&gt;&lt;span style=“font-size:72px;”&gt;—No Data—&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

This would be far easier via GTM.

Version 10.0.6

Snippet execution is part of the problem, but not the problem itself. Chart doesn’t like having any snippet when there’s no data after re-querying model.
