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Our goal is to redirect users who have Skuid permissions to custom Skuid pages for both the New and View actions for the standard Case object, while pointing users who don’t have Skuid permissions to the standard page layout.

We have active page assignments created for each page and have overridden the New and View actions on the Case object with our Visualforce pages. We have also cloned the managed Skuid permission sets, made local versions and assigned a Skuid Page Viewer permission set to a test user.

As we test, regardless of having the Skuid permission, the test user is redirected to the standard New Case page layout with this code:

<apex:page standardController=“Case” extensions=“skuid.Redirects” showHeader=“true” sidebar=“false” readonly=“true” docType=“html-5.0”

action=“{!IF(canUseSkuid,‘’,redirect)}” title=“New Case”>

<skuid:page objecttype=“Case” actiontype=“New”/>


If we replace <skuid:page objecttype=“Case” actiontype=“New”/> with:

<skuid:page page=‘CRM-NewCasePage’/>

It loads the custom Skuid page regardless of having the Skuid permission set.

We’ve tried changing the org wide default for Page and Page Layout to Public Read Only, but it hasn’t had any effect.

What does canUseSkuid look at to determine access to Skuid?

Any help is appreciated!

canUseSkuid solely refers to the user having a Skuid package license assigned to them — it has nothing to do with Profile / Permission Set Assignment / Sharing Settings.

This allows you to override an objects’ actions, e.g. Account Tab, Account View, even if all of your users aren’t using Skuid yet, or you don’t want to show the Skuid page to all users.