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I had some help getting this going and all is working great. However, I do need to include the Contact’s related Firm and/or custom object to the view in the table. For instance, we allow users to include additional Contacts when creating a Task via Skuid page. In this table, users need to see related information to confirm they select the correct Contact(s). Attached image is the code I borrowed from another post to filter the TaskRelation model. I assume the additional fields for viewing in the table are to be coded in the snippet, but not sure how to update the code with additional fields. Any help is greatly appreciated. 🙂11bd9a71d642e9925b6006a27836a7735ed8c7dd.jpg

Much help to the Skuid team, Rob and Emily, for helping me through this. An additional model was required, SearchResults. The above code was updated to include this model and the additional fields. Thanks so much guys!

Thanks, Teena, for posting an update! So glad everything is working now.