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I have created a Skuid page based on custom object ‘Post’. Added this page to the task as the idea behind is I want to collect data from each task. Issue is when I add the data in skuid form, it is displaying same data across all task. Not able to limit it to current task. As you can see in the screenshots below under Task “Send Quote” > Post per day and Task “Test” > Post per day is displaying same data. Tried to add conditions on both but nothing is working. Any suggestions?

Hi Mandeep, thanks for bringing this issue to our attention.

  • How is your Post object related to the Task in Salesforce? Is there a lookup field that connects them?

  • Lightning record pages automatically pass in a parameter called id which can be used by Skuid, so this page should be passing in the Task Id as the id parameter.

  • In the Skuid page, on your Post model, there needs to be a condition on the field which connects to the Task object, (e.g. Task__c) where the field value =  page parameter id

here's an example of what this looks like for an account detail page.


The Task object can’t be related to when creating a lookup.

Best you could do is create a text field on the Post__c object and override the field metadata on the model to a reference field.
