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I have an issue with a textarea field when it’s inside a lightning page.

I have a button that updates into a textarea field in skuid and the field source is “Result of a formula”. If I load the skuid without it being inside a lightning page, it works. In the HTML, the textarea is data-te=“skuid__inputTextArea”

However, when I put the skuid page inside a lightning page, the action doesn’t work.

The HTML on the textarea is different and now shows - data-te=“skuid__lightningRichText”

The two screenshots of the same textarea field show inside and not inside a lightning page

It seems that when the skuid page is inside a lightning page, the function doesn’t seem to add the data into the same textarea field.

Any ideas?

I’m thinking there is a difference in the way your formula is being interpreted. Can you post the strucgture of that formula?

Thanks, the below is an action to update a textarea field. Works fine when it’s a skuid page, just not inside a lightning page. This is the first half of the formula.

“Hi " + {{Firstname__c}} +”,

"Many thanks for signing up to use our services. "


“Spoken to the client”,"It was good to talk to you earlier. As we discussed a number of items on our phone call, I thought it would be a good idea to confirm some of the points to ensure we are in agreement on what needs to be done.

Just to confirm in case you didn’t get my details, I’m ",

“Cannot speak with client”, “I tried calling you earlier but unfortunately I could not get through. To avoid holding up the initial set up, I thought I would set out below what I believe are the next steps so that we can discuss in more detail.

I’m “,

“”) +{{$}}+” and I will be your main point of contact for any queries you may have while you are with xxxxxxx. I can be contacted using any of the contact information at the bottom of this email.”+

+if({{Sign_Up_Source__c}}=“new”, “New Company”, “Existing Company”)+


CASE( {{Have_you_spoken_with_the_client__c}} ,

“Spoken to the client”, “Thank you for confirming the company incorporation details. You should receive, if not already done so, copies of the incorporation documents on a separate email. Please let me know if you do not get this.”,

“Cannot speak with client”, “Please confirm if you are happy for us to proceed with the incorporation process. Once confirmed, we will start the process of incorporating your company. This can take up to 48 hours to register and I will send you the details as soon as I hear.”,


CASE( {{Have_you_spoken_with_the_client__c}} ,

“Spoken to the client”, “I am getting everything set up on our systems and reviewing your signup information. I may need further information, such as incorporation documents and access codes but I will collate what I have initially.”,

“Cannot speak with client”, “I am getting everything set up on our systems and reviewing your signup information. I may need further information, such as incorporation documents and access codes but I will collate what I have initially.”,



+if({{Previous_Accountant__c}}=True," Since you have a previous accountant, I may be able get some of this information from them.“,”")


Your previous accountant”,“”)

I would be grateful if you could confirm you are happy for me to contact your previous accountant to request professional clearance? If so, could you let me have a contact name and email address to speed up the process. Before I contact them, it is advisable if you could contact them and confirm to them that you are leaving as this will speed up the transfer process and ensure we can transition your account to us smoothly and quickly.”,“”)


HMRC Codes and references”,“”)

I normally get the majority of your access codes and references from your previous accountant, but if you do have any tax reference numbers or other logins please let me have these.”,“
Please could you let me have any reference numbers that you have been sent from HMRC or Companies House relating to either youself or the company?”),“”)


Registered office address”,“”)

+if({{Registered_Office_Use__c}} =True,“
I note that your registered office address might need changing. We can change it to our own address if you would like and this will ensure your personal address remains private to the public. To do this I will need your Companies House web-filing code if you have it.”,“”)

+if({{Sign_Up_Source__c}}=“new”, “

Ongoing responsibilities”, “

Existing work and responsibilities.”)

+if({{Sign_Up_Source__c}}=“new”, “
As you are in the process of becoming a director and shareholder of your own limited company, I just wanted to briefly explain what statutory responsibilities you will have from this position.

  • Registering for self-assessment tax and paying your personal tax on time.

  • Following the company’s rules shown in your Articles of Association.

  • Keeping company records and reporting any changes to Companies House and HMRC.

  • Filing your annual accounts with Companies House and HMRC every year.

  • Communicating with other shareholders.

  • Submitting Corporation Tax records on time and paying tax within nine months and one day of your limited company’s year-end.

”, “
Since you are already operating through your company, I’d like to set out some initial expectations and agree responsibilities for any work that may be outstanding or becoming due prior to our appointed. This helps us clearly identify who should be doing what. We can discuss further on our call.”)



+IF(ISBLANK({{Onboarding_accounts_text__c}})," ",{{Onboarding_accounts_text__c}})



+IF(ISBLANK({{Onboarding_vat_text__c}})," ",{{Onboarding_vat_text__c}})


PAYE / Payroll

+IF(ISBLANK({{Onboarding_paye_text__c}})," ",{{Onboarding_paye_text__c}})


Self-assessment tax return

+IF(ISBLANK({{Onboarding_satr_text__c}})," ",{{Onboarding_satr_text__c}})
