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I am dead in the water!!! My Seach Component can only find me as seen in video.

Skuid V2 reference component cannot find anyone. When I use some old page from V1 I can see the choices.


  • API Version: V2

  • Release: Edinburgh Update 2 (16.2.8)

  • Release version: (Version Number)

  • Platform: Salesforce

Brief Summary of the Defect/Issue:


Google Drive file.


Google Drive file.

Here is a test page that recreates the problem

<skuid__page unsavedchangeswarning="yes" personalizationmode="server" theme="Barb2" showheader="false" showsidebar="false">
<model id="NewModel" limit="20" query="true" createrowifnonefound="false" datasource="salesforce" sobject="Member_DNA__c">
<field id="Name"/>
<field id="Id"/>
<skuid__search uniqueid="sk-3v8Z-10232" tokenizeSearch="true" placeholder="Type Member Info" minWidth="200px" styleSettingsVariant="35614349-e7e6-4395-a228-1aba74e537d7" preserveSearchTerm="true">
<object datasource="salesforce" id="Member_DNA__c" headerIcon="sk-webicon-material-icons:card_membership" headerName="Member(s)" displayTemplate="{{Roll_Off__c}} {{Name}}" fields="Roll_Off__c" orderBy="Name">
<field id="Name"/>
<field id="Roll_Off__c"/>
<action label="View" icon="sk-webicon-foundation-icons:magnifying-glass">
<action type="redirect" window="blank" url="/{{Id}}"/>
<spacing top="5" right="5" bottom="5" left="5"/>
<renderConditions logictype="and"/>
<skuid__table allowColumnFreezing="dragDrop" model="NewModel" uniqueid="sk-3vF4-33301" mode="read" showSaveCancel="true">
<field id="Name" uniqueid="fi-3vF4-33801"/>
<filtering enableSearch="false"/>
<exportProperties useTableColumns="true"/>
<sorting enable="false"/>

Sorry for the delay in responding to this question. We have all been eating too much turkey…

This appears to be a problem with the underlying SOSL queries that are being sent to Salesforce by our Search Component.

You granted us access to your org and we tested this out by taking the queries generated by the search component and running them in the salesforce developer console. That query history should be accessible in the developer console.

Step 1:

In the test page you created the first entry in the table of members was “John…” putting “Joh” into the search component produced this query:

FIND {Joh*} IN Name Fields RETURNING Member_DNA__c(Name, Roll_Off__c, Id ORDER BY Name)

Running that query in the developer console returned the same record that is shown in the table.

Step 2:

The third entry in the table of members was “Richard…” putting “Rich” into the search component produced this query:
FIND {Rich*} IN Name Fields RETURNING Member_DNA__c(Name, Roll_Off__c, Id ORDER BY Name)

In this case - running that query in the developer console returned 0 records - even though there are records that match the search term in the table.

The SEARCH bar on the table is configured to use SOQL queries, and for some reason - these are returning more records than the SOSL queries.

I think you need to take this evidence to Salesforce.

Hello Rob,

Thanks for your help. It is fixed. I just received the following:

Hello Bill,

Greetings for the day!

I got the update from the internal team and they mentioned the issue has been resolved now. Can you please check your org and verify it?

Please let me know if the issue is resolved or not.

Thank you! Have a good day!


Tanveer Patel

Technical Support Engineer,

Developer Support | Salesforce

Working Hours: Mon-Fri | 8 AM to 5 PM PST

Glad to hear that Salesforce got it worked out for you. Cheers!
