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Hi everyone,

I’ve recently joined the Skuid community. I’m excited to get started! I was succesfully able to get a view page override to work but haven’t been able to get the new to work; interestingly enough it works for me as the system admin. For the users they’re simply directed to the classic layout and the “nooverride=1” shows up in the URL automatically.

I’ve tried both of these for Visualforce, again both work for me as system admin:

<apex:page standardClass=“CustomObject__c” doctype=“html-5.0” readOnly=“true” sidebar=“false”>

<skuid:page actiontype=“New” objectType=“CustomObject__c”/>


<apex:page standardController=“CustomObject__c”




Key Details:

Version: Millau 11.01

Pages OWD = Public Read Only

Page Assignments OWD = Public Read Only

  • All users in the org are licensed with Skuid

  • All users in the org have the Skuid Page Viewer permission set

  • All users have security access to the override VF pages

I’m out of ideas of what to check. Anyone have any thoughts, please?

Make sure you have given the other profiles access to the visual force page in your profile settings.


Double-checked just now–all profiles in my org do have access to the VF override pages in security and they’re still being redirected to the standard classic layout. Thank you!


The issue was the Page Assignment settings and record types–though not something I would have expected so I’ll share.

Previously my settings were like this:

New - Org Default - Record Type A - Skuid Page A
New - Org Default - Record Type B - Skuid Page B

My assumption was that users would be redirected accordingly because many of them only have access to one or the other record type–unfortunately that didn’t happen.

I added a new page assignment that fixed this though:

New - Org Default - Any Record Type - Skuid Page A

Now all users are getting appropriate pages based on the record type they select. Oddly enough my View settings weren’t configured this way so I’m not sure if that’s a gap for the dev team related to New page overrides or not.

Hi Dan, thank you very much for closing the loop and sharing your solution. 
