I’m sorry to hear your experiencing this.
A few questions:
- What version of skuid are you running?
- Do you see the problem in the mobile browser (not just SF1)?
- If you change it from group to user on the phone, press save, then refresh, does the change update? I’m wondering if this is a problem with just visuals or if there is something more going on.
Hi Stephen,
1. 10.0.9
2. No it works fine in a mobile browser
3. From a mobile browser if I make a change to user from group the change is reflected in SF1. It’s just in in SF1 that I can’t make any changes to the field.
Can you share this page’s XML?
Was the page built in Skuid mobile or is this page “Mobile Responsive”?
No the page is built in the unified composer.
Jason Coorsh
Sergey Yun
Kenny Hollis
Kevin Gammon
Jason Coorsh
Sergey Yun
Kevin Gammon
Open Cases by User
Open Cases
var params = arguments[0],
$ = skuid.$,
list = params.list,
model = params.model,
$xml = skuid.utils.makeXMLDoc,
selectedItems = params.item ? [params.item] : list.getSelectedItems(),
NewCaseCommentsModel = skuid.model.getModel('NewCaseComments'),
EscalationReasonModel = skuid.model.getModel('EscalationReason'),
CasesModel = skuid.model.getModel('Cases');
if (!CasesModel || !CasesModel.fieldsMap.IsEscalated.editable){
alert('You do not have permission to Escalate Cases.
Please ask your System Administrator to grant you edit rights on the IsEscalated field.');
// Cancel any preexisting changes to our CaseComments model
// and our EscalationReason model
var selectedCaseNumbers = [];
var casesAlreadyEscalated = [];
var caseRow = item.row;
// If one of the Cases is ALREADY Escalated,
// then we will complain.
if (caseRow.IsEscalated || caseRow.Status=='Escalated') {
return true;
// Create a new row in our NewCaseComments model
// for each selected item
NewCaseCommentsModel.createRow({ additionalConditions: [
{ field: 'ParentId', value: caseRow.Id }
if (!selectedCaseNumbers.length){
alert('All of the selected Cases are already Escalated.');
// And create a new row in our EscalationReason model
// Build the XML of your popup.
// If you already have a reference to this xml string stored somewhere else,
// then you don't need to create it here.
var label = (selectedCaseNumbers.length===1) ? model.label : model.labelPlural;
var popupXMLString =
'<popup width="50%" title="Escalate '+label+'">'
+ '<components>'
+ '<pagetitle model="EscalationReason">'
+ '<maintitle>Escalate '+label+': ' + selectedCaseNumbers.join(', ') + '</maintitle>'
+ '<actions>'
+ '<action type="custom" snippet="FinishCaseEscalation" label="Complete Escalation" icon="ui-silk-accept"/>'
+ '</actions>'
+ '<basicfieldeditor model="EscalationReason" mode="edit" showsavecancel="false">'
+ '<columns>'
+ '<column width="100%">'
+ '<sections>'
+ '<section title="Escalation Reason">'
+ '<fields>'
+ '<field id="CommentBody" required="true"/>'
+ '</fields>'
+ '</section>'
So you have seen this work on an iPhone?
Hi Stephen,
Do you have an update for me? This issue is causing our page to be unusable.
We have been able to isolate this problem and have found that we have a known issue involving field editors in decks on mobile. We’re actively working towards a fix. We’ll update the community here when the solution is available in a new release. Thank you for your patience.
The fix has been implemented and is now available in the 11.0.1 Millau release and the 10.0.11 Brooklyn release, now available from the Skuid Releases page at http://www.skuid.com/skuidreleases.
As a reminder, Salesforce does not allow reverting back to prior versions of managed packages. Skuid always recommends installing new versions in a non-business critical sandbox environment to test all mission critical functionality before installing into a production environment. We also recommend that you update out of date themes when you upgrade. Thanks again for helping Skuid become an even better product!
I just ran the Skuid update (11.0.2) on my org and the issue is still present in the Salesforce mobile app. I have completely logged out and logged back in just to make sure it wasn’t a caching issue. I also updated my themes after the Skuid update. Is there any work around we could implement to get this working.
Unfortunately this has regressed in 11.0.2 but it does still work in 11.0.1 and the brooklyn series. We’ve logged this in our tracking system and will notify you when the regression is solved.
Thanks, I wish I would have known before. I didn’t update right away so I figured going to current release of 11.0.2 would be fine as well.
Thank you for your thoughtful suggestion! Skuid listened to your concern and has implemented your idea in the new Skuid Version Millau (11.0.5) release which is now available on the Skuid Releases page.
As a reminder, Salesforce does NOT allow reverting back to prior versions of managed packages. Skuid always recommends installing new versions in a non-business critical sandbox environment to test all mission critical functionality before installing into a production environment. We also recommend that you update out of date themes when you upgrade.