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We’re using Spark (12.2.14) and we have a page with tables, these have records with fields that contain references to SF objects, these display as links. If I click on the links, the correct SF object opens in the same tab. If, however, I chose to open the link in new tab from right click menu, all I get is the page with the tables again not the SF object. 

This means I can’t keep a skuid page open with all the filters etc applied and at the same time look at objects referenced in the tables. 

Hi Kevin, thanks for bringing this issue to our attention and including your Skuid version. Could you provide the following information to help us better understand the scenario?:

  1. To confirm, this issue where the links aren’t working as expected is just occurring in the community site? Is it also happening when you preview the Skuid page in your internal Salesforce environment?

  2. Are you using Visualforce or Lightning Communities?  Record links are handled differently between Visualforce Communities, Lightning Communities, and internally in Salesforce.

  3. Which browser and operating system are you using?

  4. Are you using Skuid API v1 or v2?

Hi Anna,

Thank for your support.

  1. The issue only occurs in the community site. 

  2. Lightning Communities

  3. Chrome and Windows 10

  4. Skuid API v1

The current page URL:
After click from right-click menu:

Thanks for those details Kevin.

To clarify, you want community users to be able to use the links in a list to navigate to the record detail page? It seems like the URLs that direct users to detail pages are handled differently in communities than internally within Salesforce. Skuid is directing community users to the internal URL for detail pages, but here’s how you can update your page to direct them to the community detail page URL.

  1. First of all make sure that your community users have view access for all records and related records on the detail page.

  2. Make sure that you’ve set up the record detail page in the community (

  3. Once your record detail page is setup, you can view its URL in the Experience Builder. In this case it looks like the URL for a case would be /case/{{Id}}/{{Name}}

  4. Update your list page to reference this URL wherever you want users to access it, here are some suggestions:

  • You can also use template fields to take users to a custom URL, make sure “allow HTML” is checked and then do something like {{Name}}

  • You can have buttons/actions direct users to this URL.

  • You can also use template fields to show Id and Name fields WITHOUT THE LINKS by using triple brackets: {{{Name}}}

    Does that make sense? Let me know if this helps and if you have any questions.

I’m sorry Kevin, I just realized you were referring to right click + opening a new tab, which is the behavior which is not working. To clarify

  • Clicking on the links works fine

  • Right clicking on the links to open in a new tab isn’t working.

This seems to be related to a known Skuid issue where in Windows browsers : control + click on nav item doesn’t open new browser tab. This issue was addressed as of 12.2.17.  I would recommend you upgrade Skuid in a sandbox and see if this fixes the issue. See the end of this post for upgrading best practices.

Additionally, I just saw your similar post:  Is this the same issue or something different? 

Best practices for upgrading can be found in Upgrading Skuid on Salesforce.  As a reminder, Salesforce does NOT allow reverting back to prior versions of managed packages. Skuid always recommends installing new versions in a non-business critical sandbox environment to test all mission critical functionality before installing into a production environment. We also recommend that you update out of date Themes and Design Systems after you upgrade. Please let us know if you continue to encounter any problems with this issue after upgrading. 

Thank for your support,

I’ve upgraded to Spark (12.2.18) but the issue is still occurring.

Update your list page to reference this URL wherever you want users to access it, here are some suggestions:
  • You can also use template fields to take users to a custom URL, make sure "allow HTML" is checked and then do something like {{Name}}
  • You can have buttons/actions direct users to this URL.
  • You can also use template fields to show Id and Name fields WITHOUT THE LINKS by using triple brackets: {{{Name}}}

Because we have many Skuid pages, we cannot apply the above for each page.

Hi Kevin, thanks for your reply.  Here’s my current understanding of the situation, please answer the following questions and correct and clarify as necessary:

  1. You upgraded Skuid, but right clicking on links to open in a new tab still isn’t working for v1 pages in a community site while using Chrome on Windows 10. Is that correct?

  2. What version of Chrome are you using?

  3. Sounds like manually changing the links isn’t a practical solution because it would entail a lot of work across multiple pages and be difficult to maintain.

Hi Anna,

  1. Yes.

  2. Google Chrome 80.0.3987.149 (Official Build) (64-bit)

  3. Yes.

I think you can reproduce this issue easily.

Hi Kevin, I tried to reproduce this issue in 12.2.18 a community site while using Chrome 80 on Windows 10 but was unable, the detail links opened successfully in a new tab.

Could you grant Skuid Support login access so we can take a look?

Hi Anna,

Please note that the issue only occurs in the Lightning community site. I still enable to reproduce this issue in 12.2.18 (V1).

If I choose to open the link in a new tab from the right-click menu, the “#/sObject/{{Id}}/view” value will be appended to the original URL. The URL in a new tab is different from internal SF.

Hi Kevin, sorry for not specifying, I was using the skuid:page component in a Lightning community site.  It seems like to be able to further investigate the issue, it would be helpful to see what you’re seeing and exactly how you’ve configured your community, so it would be helpful if you could grant Skuid Support login access. You should have received an email from the team earlier today explaining how this works.

Hi Anna,

I granted the login access to my Sandbox. Please check detail in my email.

This seems to be related to a known Skuid issue where in Windows browsers : control + click on nav item doesn't open new browser tab. This issue was addressed as of 12.2.17.  I would recommend you upgrade Skuid in a sandbox and see if this fixes the issue. See the end of this post for upgrading best practices.
The above issue was resolved before but now it's occurring again in 12.2.18. Please also help to check that.

Hi Kevin, thanks for granting login access. The team will investigate and send you any followup questions via email.  Once we’ve finished the investigation, we’ll post a summary here to update any other users following this issue.

Update: Skuid Support has confirmed this is a product defect affecting v1 pages in certain Lightning community templates (e.g. Partner Central).

Description:  In certain Lightning community templates, right clicking on a record name or Id in a v1 table does not open the detail page in a new tab, it duplicates the tab the user is already on. A normal click on the link will open the detail page as expected (in the same tab).

@Anna_Wiersema Any update on it.

No update @Kevin. Right now we have this issue’s level of client impact marked as Level 4 - Medium. Does this sound correct or should it be escalated to Level 3 - High?

@Anna_Wiersema Please escalate to Level 3 - High. I think it isn’t difficult to be resolved.

Hi @Anna_Wiersema ,

This is the exactly same issue we are struggling to solve. This is truly basic function. Without this being solved quickly, we cannot continue using skuid for communities. Our community users complain about this behavior a lot.

Thanks for your input @Manabu

  1. , I will pass this feedback along.

    There are two alternative configurations you can test now to enable this functionality (both will require some restructuring):

    Build in v2 rather than v1 OR

Use a different template for your community (not Partner Central)

@Manabu and @Kevin - Have you tried this behavior in a community page using just the out of the box Salesforce tools, outside of Skuid? I tested this today and realized that right clicking and opening a detail link in a new page in the Partner Central community template doesn’t appear to work using standard Salesforce components either.

Please verify on your end that the issue occurs outside of Skuid. If so, it’s an underlying Salesforce issue and you can open a Salesforce case to get more information and see if a fix is possible.

@Anna_Wiersema We cannot reproduce the issue using standard Salesforce components. I mean the standard Salesforce components work properly as expected.

Additionally, we have changed to a different template (Customer Service, Customer Account Portal template) but the issue still exists.

Could you please help to check this issue again?

@Anna_Wiersema Please help me review this issue.

Hey @Kevin ! I will help you solve this issue. I just sent you a DM

Hi @Germany, could you please help me solve this issue in this topic?

hey @Kevin , and of course. can you please check your messages, I sent you a DM a while back to set up a call so i can get more context and see what is happening. can you please reply back to it?

Hey @Kevin , our engineering team has confirmed there is an issue with how we’re handling detail page links in communities. There is not a target date for getting this issue addressed yet but our devs are aware of it. We will let you know when the fix is available.

Thanks again for your patience.
