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Hi Anna,

Thanks for following up. Yes, using the full URL to redirect is working.

The other issue for non-Skuid users not getting to standard SF pages is still ongoing. I am not using a Skuid page inside a lightening page (at least I don’t think I am).

I am not sure where I would set the component visibility.

Here is how I have the Contact object set up:

  • Skuid page for the Contact Detail

  • In Skuid –> Page Assignments –>SalesForce Classic:
     –Object Type = Contact; Action Type = View; Applies To = Only Me

  • Created a Visual Force page with the following code:


  • Contact Object --> Buttons, Links and Actions View
    -- Generally I would set it to the VF page.
    --For testing I have it set to Standard Page ( Non Skuid Users still have issues)

Note: This conversation was created from a reply on: Redirect url to a VF Page in Salesforce Lightning with My Domian enabled.

Glad to hear that the redirect to VF page is working! I’m marking this question as answered and I’ll fork this comment into a new topic so we can better keep track of where things are at per issue.