Hi Matt… last session Justin Campbell (I think) provided a demo of integration with google sheets/word etc via iframes.
Is there any way I can get a copy of his notes shown on screen particularly the iframe html used?
Great sessions by the way!
Hi David,
Here’s a direct timestamped link to the Nautilus Note recording on our Youtube channel where I jump in the backend of the Google Docs demo: https://youtu.be/3350Me6I9qA?t=2135
I’ve also included the notes I wrote up to walk through each step below:
This tutorial assumes you have Google Drive as a data source setup in your Skuid org
Step 1: Create a Skuid Model to reference your Google Drive datasource.
Step 2: Add relevant fields to your model.
Step 3: Configure the automatically generated condition value for “Parent Folder” with your Google Drive folder ID.
Step 4: Create a UIOnly Skuid Model to hold the values for your selected and newly created file names.
Step 5,6, & 7: Add a Responsive Grid component with two divisions. Then place a Table component on the left and a Template component on the right.
Step 8: Ensure your table component is connected to your Google Drive Model. Add an edit row action that updates your UI Only model with your selected row context. Then add an additional action to pass your selected file’s value in with merge:
Step 9: Ensure your Template Component is connected to your UI Model and add the following HTML markup:
Step 10 (Optional): Add button set for adding additional files into the drive folder. Add action to show popup, then add a Field Editor Component connected to your UI Only Model for your new file name:
Step 11: Add the following actions to your New Document buttons:
**Note: you can choose the file type for the document in the “Type” field for the Google Drive Data Source Action:**
Check it out:
I hope this is the head start you’ve been looking for, have an awesome rest of the week!
'Justin Campbell
Darn. I missed this. Is the September available online? I can’t find it on the youtube page.
Yes same here, looked yesterday but I think it has not been uploaded yet.